

Name : Harvestherb
Harvest(man) –– any of an order (Opiliones) of arachnids that have slender usually long legs and that resemble spiders but have an oval body lacking a constriction
Herb –– a plant or plant part valued for its medicinal, savory, or aromatic qualities
Pastnames : Harvestkit
Age : 7 moons
Birthseason : Greenleaf
Gender : DFAB Demigirl (she/they)
Rank : Cura Apprentice
Residence : HollowClan
Sexuality : Lesbian
Mate : N/A

Summary : A small, messy-furred tortoiseshell molly with low white, golden eyes and injured, folded ears.
Breed : Moggy
Eye Colour : Gold
Height : 7 inches
Body Type : Semi-Cobby
Scars : None
Genetics : ll, XOXo, Bbl, Dd, dmdm, aa, mcmc, spsp, tata, bmbm, ii, wbwb, EE, ShSh, CC, kk, Wsw

+ Curious, Devoted, Patient, Resourceful

= Energetic, Loud, Self-Concious, Dreamy

- Morbid, Nihilistic, Odd, Childish

Harvestherb is... A weird case. They are kind and highly curious as most cats their age should be, they are highly devoted to their path of being a Cura and work their hardest at it so they can be the best they can for when the time comes for them to earn their full Cura name. However at the other end of it, Harvest can easily be described as morbid due to their facsination with death and the injuries they seen. Unflinchingly staring at such things with a blank look and later future talks where they ramble about how cool it was they learned how to push a bone back into a wound and more. They are nihilistic and believe nothing in life matters, and will voice that but lacks any sort of downtrodden tone one would normally take that belief with. Seeing it as just a reason to just do what you want with life. They are quite the motormouth and do not know how to be quiet and for a cura they do enjoy playing rougher games with her sibling.


Herbial Knowledge

Sire : Scorpionquake.
Dam : Springsplash.
Littermates : Spiderpaw.
Other : N/A.

Born in HollowClan to two loyal warriors, just as Burning Tide finally fell and the war with BayClan was put to an end. Her and her sibling Spider were as thick as thieves and she was a little momma's girl to Scorpionquake, following around and mimicking her as best she could. It was thought by their parents that she'd go into being a warrior and her much quieter sibling would maybe go into healing, after all Harvest clearly had the spirit of a fighter and Spider did not. However this wasn't the case and, to the surprise to their parents, Harvest went the path of a Cura and Spider to being a warrior. The two's antics hardly stopping once they were both apprentices they both snuck away from their mentors one day, Harvest convincing that since she knew herbs and stuff she could easily fix her sister so she could practice some epic moves to surprise her mentor and Spider worriedly hurrying along so her sister wouldn't get hurt... However Harvest did get hurt, her ears did and have refused to stand up fully since. The two siblings moving quickly to panicking about being caught due to Harvest's now droopy ears... It has been about a week and Harvest still refuses to say how her ears got hurt claiming it was embarrassing.

code by jiko