


3 years, 1 month ago


"Raven, you're absolutely beautiful!"
Name Magpiewish

Former Names Magpie

Gender DFAB (she/her)

Orientation Bisexual

Age 16 moons

Mentor Rabbitstrike

Apprentice -

Rank queen

Residence Blossom Valley, RoseClan

Theme -


Magpiewish is a blueish gray she-cat with light gray and white markings. She has a gray stripe that goes around her neck and over her shoulders as well as gray spots on her face and legs. The tips of her hair that hangs over her right eye are also gray. Her chest, toes, and eyebrows are white.

From a tragic badger attack as a young kit, Magpiewish was left with claw barks across her butt as well as a short tail. Both scars are paid for here.

Adorning her neck is a lei of marigolds representing each one of her new family members as well as Ravencall. The lei is paid for here. SHe wears a braid in her long bangs that her adopted little brother, Cranepaw, did for her.

Design notes
  • Her most recent ref can be found here
  • Specific design elements:
  • Stripe on shoulders
  • White only on chest, not belly
  • Spots are random

Sentimental, motherly, studious

Circumspect, gentle, determined

Tractable, insecure, naive

  • her sister
  • kits
  • playing tag
  • outings to explore the clan's territory
  • badgers
  • the sight of blood
  • fighting
  • Bramblesnap


Herb Knowledge

Faith in StarClan

Sparrow and Jay grew up in a small group of alley cats together. They fell in love over time, becoming absolutely inseparable. Their group was.. less than supportive of the idea of two toms in love. So the pair kept their love secret for many moons. Sparrow even took a mate to avoid suspicion. However, they finally left the city together one fateful night after they were caught meeting in secret. It was a much happier life, alone together. Lonely, but happy.

Quail was born to loners who bounced from group to group in attempts to fit in. As the only living kitten of their first litter together, Quail was pampered by her parents and given all of the love and attention. That’s why it was so strange when they, one day, disappeared without a trace. Quail wandered for a while, occasionally meeting new cats but mostly… staying alone. She was sad, she hated this life. So, when she met the two lone toms, they immediately clicked.

Quail became close friends with the pair very fast, and the three of them traveled together for moons. She soon found herself falling in love with both of them, and both toms, eventually, realized they had fallen for her too. They accepted her into their mateship, and the three were happy.

After a few moons together, the trio decided to have kits together after they found a nice place to settle at the edge of the valley.

Magpie was born in a litter of five. Her littermates being Raven, Crow, Vulture, and Wren. She was a content kitten, not wanting ot play fight much as that was barbaric to her. The first three moons of her life was good. SHe had three parents, three brothers, and a sister who she loved dearly.

Everything stopped when a badger attacked the family den. Sparrow, Jay, and Quail fought to protect their babies but ultimately failed. Only Raven and Magpie were able to escape and even that was just barely. Magpie had lost a significant portion of her tail and her sister had a nasty wound on her face. Both were bloody and scared.

The kittens were rescued by a patrol of the valley's clan cats. Kit was slapped at the end of their names and they were taken to the medicine cats' den where they were going to stay until their wounds healed. There, Magpiekit became attached to Starlingdawn. Finding out that Starlingdawn had two tom cat mates made her even more attached as she reminded her of her mother and fathers.

Magpiekit's kithood was rather uneventful. Barksnap befriended her while she was in the medicine den healing from the badger injuries saying that "us short tailed cats should stick together". It made her very happy to know the clan cats were good cats and they would take car eof her and her sister. She made friends with Ospreykit after Ravenkit already did and they became a little group. When Magpiekit ranked up, along with Ravenkit and Ospreykit, Magpiepaw got the worst mentor she could, Rabbitstrike. It seemed from the moment her name was announced, Rabbitstrike was dissapointed in her. And that would prove to be a trend as Magpiepaw couldn't bring herself to kill any critters. Even eating meals gave her the willies.

Early into their apprenticeship, Ospreypaw started beef with Bonepaw by placing a sharp pinecone in his nest. Thinking that Magpiepaw had something to do with it, he retaliated and put a dead mouse in hers. When she went to lay down, she heard the cracking bones and it was enough to make her cry. Bonepaw tricked her by giving her a gift to make it look like her didn't put the mouse in her bed.

Starlingdawn gave birth to a litter of four and Magpiepaw was obsessed with them, they were so little and cute! This is when she found out how much she loved kits. She hated training to be a warrior. As the new kittens grew up, Magpiepaw allowed Cranekit to weave plants in her fur only to find out that one of the plants was poison ivy and she would come down with a case of the itchy scratchies. She asked Starlingdanw if she would adopt Ravenpaw and herself as her children and she said yes. Now she had a new mother and fathers and she couldn't be happier!

One day Bramblepaw threw a pebble that conked Magpiepaw in the head and she cried. This was the last straw, she couldn't be a normal apprentice anymore. She asked Rosestar if she could please become a queen apprentice. Rosestar accepted, knowing that Magpiepaw was hardly fit to be a warrior.

When a famine hit the clan, Magpiepaw declared that she would go vegan to save the meat for everyone else. She spent a while eating only greens and having terrible stomach aches and diarrhea. Eventually she gave up and went back to eating meat because her body couldn't surive on just plants. Having seen Bonepaw looking absolutely ragged, she offered to share prey with him. He begrudgingly accepted but barely ate. This was a turning point in their relationship as Magpiepaw began to want to mother Bonepaw and help him out despite him being mean to her before.

On the day of her 15th moon, Magpiepaw became Magpiewish and was a full fledged queen.


  • Magpie — Named after the bird
  • wish — for her optimism
  • -

Mother, †



Father, †


Father, †



“I will protect my sister from her bullies with my words. I love her to pieces and cannot image not having her in my life anymore but ever since she mad friends with Tigerpaw, she's been more distant from me. Of course she still invited me to hang out but I dunno, it's different now.”

Brother, †


Brother, †


Brother, †


code by jiko