Tikow Jay



3 years, 1 month ago


Tikow Jay is a selfless young man, he constantly seeks to make others happy, especially his wife. He likes to know exactly what he’s getting into when he agrees to stuff and before doing anything new he must research everything that there is to know about it. If there is no time for study then he would really rather not do it at all. He prefers to avoid fights and any sort of trouble, but to still make himself known and not just blend into the background. He loves to make friends with as many people as he can and is often found befriending complete strangers. He is very well organized and although he doesn’t particularly like the act of organizing, he finds that it’s worth it when his days are streamlined for the most productivity.

Tikow Jay is from a more modern city-like area of Trapis Alene. He is not used to anything except his pleasant, although not terribly exciting life. But now everything’s been turned upside down and he’s helping his wife fix an old broken farm that hasn’t been used in years, he’s read all the books he could find about it but he’s learning that nothing compares to actual experience, trial and error. He’s not yet getting the hang of it but he’s working on making the dream a reality as best as he can.

b = chocolate carrier
O- = he'd be red
Rsrs = he carries split but isn't recker himself so it shows nothing, but he can have split kits (his wife is split too so :))
dd = he cream
Ss = he got mid white
Ata = oh no he is charcoal
Fl = floral tabby but: wild verison, so flora
meme = he carries melon/banded
Csa = he carries semi albino
Ll = he carries long fur