
3 years, 5 months ago



Professional Information
Occupation • Archivist
Affiliation Xadia
Former Affiliations None
Known As
Other names • Lyra Constellation
Species Startouch Elf
Nationality Xadian
Age Approx 5000
Birthday August 30th
Gender Female
Height 5'7 (170 cm)
Hair Color Dark blue to light blue gradient
Eye Color Light Silver
Relatives • Asteria (Mother)
• Astraeus (Father) †
• Semele (Younger Sister)
• Thea (Younger Sister)
Xanthos (Partner) †
• Calliope (Daughter)
Status Alive
Other Information
Theme Everything Matters - Aurora
Portrayal Aurora

Urania is a Startouch elf and the eldest daughter of one of the first Startouch Elves. Passionate by music and history, Urania is a gifted musician, the lyre being her preferred instrument and serves as the main archivist for Startouch Elves. She used to roam Xadia periodically before the banishment of Startouch elves centuries before present day. She currently lives with the rest of the Startouch elves in the heavens.




Urania is a tall and slim Startouch Elf with deep dark blue skin with patches of purple grandients. Like all Startouch elves, her skin is adorned with twinkling stars and has a circlet like marking on her forehead. Her tightly curled black hair similarly to her skin has a gradient to the tips that turns a light blue. Her hair goes down to her lower back but would go past to her knees if straightened. Like all elves, Urania has pointed ears, usually wearing small or in general subtle earrings.She has a long and oval shaped face, with a Greek-shaped nose and small lips. Her eyes have a dark blue sclera and her irises are of a silver color. She has a pair of purplish-grey horns that peak pot from under her hair on the smaller side that curve upwards with a smaller branch from the base. Urania has a rectangular and petite body with a small bust.

Urania's clothing consists of elegant dresses, fit of her station. She mainly wears a layered blue empire waisted dress with a wrapped deep bust and puffy sleeves with silver details. Underneath the wrapped overdress is a darker blue skirt. Urania wears a Kokoshnik-like tiara that holds her hair up and a silver choker. She often wears jewlery made for her by her late lover, Xanthos. Urania will also often wear a veil that she wears like a shawl, typically in dark blue or silver blue and shear.


Urania is a loving and modest person, happy to observe the world around her rather than actively participating in the events she records. As a Startouch elf, Urania has a strong sense of duty to her race and the roles they play both in Xadia and within their small community, but she does believe that they should interact with the "mortal" world as they once did at the time of the first Elves. She is very organized, consistently making sure her records are correctly stored away and she enjoys having a routine day-to-day. Urania is very warm with others, hating to ever hurt someone's feelings. When in a romantic relationship, she is devoted and attentive and seeks to recieve that kind of love back in her partner.

Urania holds the ones dear to her very closely and is deeply affected when something happens to them. She was incredicly distraught when her lover Xanthos suddenly died, grieving him for many many years, as well as when her youngest sister, Thea was imprisoned by Lux Aurea after Aaravos's betrayal. She was affected for many years by the death of Xanthos, and as a result is fiercly protective of their daughter, Calliope, born after Xanthos's passing. Even Urania admits she was too overprotective of Calliope when she was a child, to her daughter's chagrin. Her grief for Xanthos also lead her to have a deep grudge against Zagreus whos she blames for his death. Despite her warm nature, Urania is very slow to forgive others for wounds to her or her koved ones, if she forgives at all.

Before the treachery of the Midnight Star and the banishment of the Startouch Elves, one might have spotted the elegant Urania, the lyrical archivist roam the lands of Xadia on clear nights. With her midnight veil and her lyre in hand, her silvery eyes watched the sleeping world, murmuring lullabies and immortalizing our histories in her library among the stars.

—Official Description

Skills and Abilities

Star Primal Connection

As a Startouch Elf, Urania draws power from the Stars. Her magic mostly revolved around her music and recording histories.


Urania is a gifted musician, playing multiple instruments, notably the harp, and her favorite, the lyre. She is known to be one of the most gifted musicians in Xadia while she still roamed it.

Draconic Languages

As a mage and a archivist, Urania is fluent in Draconic Language, being able to speak, write, and read it.

Minor Skills and Abilities

Although she has lost the knowledge now, as a child, she used to play around with her sister Semele in alchemy, much to their mother's chagrin.


• The name Urania is Greek in origin, meaning "heavenly" or "of heaven". This is also the name of one of the nine muses, Urania the goddess/muse of astronomy and stars.
• Urania likes jewlery, cold nights in the desert, and any desserts with almonds. She dislikes cinnamon, and ironically, loud music.
• Urania is canonically demisexual.
• Urania was born with perfect pitch, meaning she is able to recognize and identify a musical note just by hearing it.

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