


3 years, 2 months ago


Full Name: Laverne Icriss

Gender: male

Birth Place: the elven city/kingdom of Iridonia

Birthday: July 10th

Age: 472

Race: elf 

Eye color: green

Hair color: dirty blond

Height: average for an elf

Class: fighter



Siblings: none

Spouse(s): Moria Ingerman

Children: none

Other Information

Random Facts: 

  • Laverne always looked up to his father. As a child, his father was a strong hero but as an adult his father was just another man. 


Bonds: His parents, King Taergyn and eventually King Fialkov. Princess Moria. Some of the other elves in the army and guard. 

Languages Spoken: Elvish, Common

Voice: "Lose You Now" by Lindsey Stirling and Mako


Laverne Icriss was born Iridonia to parents who served in the castle under the Iridonia royal family. As a child, he was pretty quiet. A wallflower. He had little to no friends. With his father working as a guard for King Taergyn, and his mother working as a servant for Queen Ethel, he was often left alone. Laverne rarely attended school. When he did, he found it very boring. With his parents and previous generations in service to the royals, he was expected to join them in their endeavors. When he wasn't in school, he was near their house, going through the motions of sword fighting. Sometimes when his father was off of work, he'd show Laverne sword fighting and how to defend himself. Icriss had become self sufficient by the time he was 12. He never expected his parents to really come home at the end of the day. 

At the age of 20, Icriss joined his father on the royal guard. As expected, he'd passed the test with flying colors. Unfortunately, his father wasn't even high ranking. It was around this time his job had become harder considering Queen Ethel had given birth to a son soon after. They named the child Fialkov. Three years passed and the queen had a daughter, her parents naming her Moria. Four more years passed and when Princess Moria was 4 and Prince Fialkov 7, Queen Ethel was murdered in the gardens of the Iridonian palace. Laverne was not apart of the squad supposed to be watching the Queen but his father was. Icriss' father was promptly fired. The king had debated firing Laverne, too. But he still had high hopes for Laverne, despite being related to the man who couldn't save the king's wife. For the longest time, Laverne's father was unable to find work elsewhere in Iridonia. It was no mystery why. For a long time, Icriss was the one earning money for their family in his father's place. 

King Taergyn kept Laverne close. And it wasn't until Taergyn's children were nearing adulthood when he earned his place among the guards. He'd been the one to save the prince from a kidnapper that nearly made away with him.