


4 years, 5 months ago


Full Name: Moria Rochambeaux

Gender: female

Birth Place: the elven city/kingdom of Iridonia

Birthday: January 1st

Age: 456

Race: elf 

Eye color: silver

Hair color: white

Height: 6' 0"

Class: warlock


Parents: Taergyn & Ethel

Siblings: Fialkov

Spouse(s): Laverne Icriss & Valka Ingerman

Children: Laverne Ingerman & Jericho Ingerman

Other Information

Random Facts: 

  • She loves wearing white, revealing dresses and head jewelry.
  • Her sons Laverne and Jericho she calls her "Elf Nuggets" even when they're adults. 


Bonds: She loves her baby elves, Jericho and Laverne, they'll always be her elf nuggets. 

Languages Spoken: Elvish, Common, Dwarvish

Voice: "For The Dancing And The Dreaming" by Gerard Butler

quick note: for the song, only the female vocals are what she is supposed to sound like. 


Moria is the second child of King Taergyn (Tar-gen) and Queen Ethel of Iridonia. She had an older brother, Fialkov, who was the elder by 3 years. Growing up was hard as a princess because there were so many rules for Moria and her brother didn't have to abide by the same rules or as many of them. Especially after her mother was assassinated in the garden by a poacher when Moria and Fialkov were still small. Moria was 4. Her and her brother grew up with a hole in their hearts. With Taergyn now being single, the children were mostly looked over by servants because their father was busy a lot of the time. They continued on with their lessons and rules in spite and the people of Iridonia were unsure of what the royal children would become without a motherly figure. 

In the time that Moria was nearing adulthood in elf years, the city of Iridonia started decorating a certain soldier in their army. They promoted an elf man named Laverne Icriss to be a general after he saved Fialkov from kidnappers. From then on, it was a classic story of the army general falling in love with the princess of the kingdom. After one day Laverne seeing Moria on her balcony, he fell in love with her voice, talking to the stars. Eventually, they got to talking more and Moria and Laverne fell head over heals for each other. They shared a good romantic many years before Moria came of adulthood age. Moria started falling deeper in love with Laverne Icriss, definitely thinking about having a family with him. Laverne went to Taergyn to ask for his daughter's hand in marriage. Taergyn gave him a half-assed answer as he was busy and Laverne and Moria somewhat forgot about it. That was until Taergyn sent Icriss off to on an unknown mission that lasted a long while. 

Moria waited for Icriss to return in the bleakness of the castle, but it had been years. He finally returned but Taergyn sent him off once more. Moria was angry with her father and Fialkov laughed at her misfortune as Fialkov didn't want to marry and have children of his own. Moria told Taergyn that she wanted to marry the man he kept sending on dangerous missions. He brushed her off and continued to send him on his missions, jealous of his daughter's want for love when he himself had none no longer. Moria began to resent her father. In the meantime, one of the longest lasting alliances Iridonia had with another kingdom that was off-continent, a kingdom in the mountains called Arün, was nearing the time that they met again to make sure their agreement was still being upheld by each city. Moria and her family journeyed to Arün. She knew the king of Arün well, as they met every six years and had known each other since they were children. They had even considered each other friends. 

Valka Ingerman, the Arünian king, had fallen in love with Moria years prior and proposed to her on this trip. Moria thought of Icriss but accepted his offer to be his wife. Acadia moved most of her stuff out of her hometown and into Arün, with her husband. She also took his last name, Ingerman. Moria soon forgot all about Icriss, she didn't care anymore. He was never around and Valka was right here with her always. In the coming years as the queen of Arün, Moria had determined that she wanted a child. She wanted a baby to raise and Valka did need an heir, as his half brother Sellion wasn't exactly eligible due to his considered muddy bloodline of being half human. Years of trying left them both heartbroken until Moria did end up pregnant with their first child. When the child was born, it was a boy, they named him Laverne. They watched Laverne grow up into a respectable man of their elven society. 

With Laverne reaching half way to maturity, Moria found herself pregnant once more. She gave birth to another son, who they named Jericho. Jericho grew up to be the opposite of Laverne in personality.