


8 years, 11 months ago


Name: Halcyon

Title: The Writer/The Overseer

Gender: Male

Species: Deity

Age: N/A


 About: Halcyon exists on a higher plane of existence. He spends his time building worlds and carefully creating specific entities, characters if you will, who will live within them. He then leaves the beings he creates in the hands of his brother, 902312, to give life to these particular entities, before setting them free into the worlds below.


Backstory: Halcyon began as a mortal Venxarian Canid with a soul as ancient as the stars and the ability to traverse through space and time. Using his gift, he took it upon himself to silently watch over some of the inhabitants of the universe in which he accessed.

His path ultimately led him to transcendence, where he first became a demigod known as "The Overseer" to the people of 250K2 Earth, and then a second time after his death where he rose to a higher level of existence as the Diety known as the God of Storms. As his name may suggest, his internal state of existence controls the weather of the worlds below him.

Here he remains, in a place above perception, always watching over his disciples and the people of the worlds under his eye. To many he is nothing more than a legend, but there are a few who remember him and find peace knowing that he is watching over them.

Whether believed in or not, Halcyon will continue his duty to protect the worlds below him for as long as he can. In times of need, he has been known to appear as an apparition to aid lost souls.


The appearance of his eyes change depending on his internal state of existence.

  • "Normal" eyes are a bright magenta, growing darker at the iris and then darker again at the pupil. The corresponding weather is often pleasant and sunny.
  • "Enlightened" eyes are glowing bright magenta, growing lighter towards the pupil and the pupil itself is replaced by a white glow. The corresponding weather is often unusual or arcane; strange clouds may appear in the sky, double rainbows may emerge from storms, ball lightning may appear and dance along the grass like elemental sprites.
  • "Void" eyes are black, sometimes with a faint violet glow from the center, sometimes completely black with a dark "smoke" emanating from them. When he is in this state, the skies are often dark and stormy, sometimes even treacherous  as tornadoes and hail fall from the clouds and tsunamis crash from the seas.


Appearance (extra): Before transcendence, Halcyon had the appearance of a normal Venxarian Canid (Gray fur, darker black mane, green flesh tones and magenta eyes). He occasionally was seen with black tentacles, often with clawed tips extending from his back.

As he began to die, his eyes turned black and a smoking black hole formed in his chest. His eyes were often dark slits and he generally had a somber appearance (head down, ears back, black tears)

After his death and reincarnation as a Diety, he acquired black feathered wings and a red triangular halo. He usually has his wings but can choose to repress them or have tentacles instead, but he is always seen with the halo. In dark times, the smoking hole reappears in his chest, representing the suffering he feels as his disciples undergo hardships.