

8 years, 8 months ago


Name: 902312 

Title: The Vessel/The Life-Giver

Gender: Male


Species: Any

Associated with: HalcyonAllan, R, Jayand KC


About: 902312 is an energy being. He exists on the same plane as Halcyon. Where Halcyon creates the worlds and the beings who live within them, 902312 gives life to the beings that inhabit said worlds by placing parts of his very soul into their beings to make them real.


CHANNELING: 902312 has the ability to channel the "spirits" or energies of other beings. He is often the collectively functioning entity of both Allan and R (who merge frequently), but can also channel other Facets. In this state, his personality becomes a blend of the Facets he is channeling.

He has multiple states of being; the primary four are: Fused, Merged, Split, and Dissociative.

Fused: Individual identities are mostly lost; they function completely as a single entity. All thoughts and feelings are shared.

Occurrence: very rare

Merged: Individual identities are intact but they still function as a single entity. Most thoughts and feelings are shared, but can be kept from one another with effort.

Occurrence: very common

Split: Individual identities are strong and apparent; eyes may shift to be different colors (ie one orange, one blue).  Has trouble functioning as a single entity, resulting in poor motor control and frequent "face changes".  It is often clear who is speaking. internal entities can still share thoughts and hear one another but they are separate.

Occurrence: common

Dissociative: One vessel, multiple minds. Can no longer share thoughts. They are aware of one another's existence, but only one entity can manifest at a time.

Occurrence: rare 


902312 can take any physical form, as he is an energy being and has no "set" physical form. He often takes a canid-like form, sometimes with bat-like wings.

His most distinguishing feature is his eyes. Similarly to Halcyon, they change to reflect his internal state of being and can show just about anything. 

Eye Appearances and Meanings:

  • Coded Colors: Facets are assigned colors, for example, BLUE and ORANGE represent Allan and R. (Allan is blue, R is orange). These colors vary in pattern and appearance depending on who is being channeled more strongly or how well melded their energies are. (one eye blue and one eye orange means the entities are both present but functioning separately. If both eyes are circles of blue and orange, the entities are functioning in a merged state).

Facet Colors: 1: blue   2: orange   3: green   0: red

  • Multi-Colored: three or more colors mean that he is channeling three or more Facets. Can channel up to four Facets at once (there are only 4 Facets)
  • Purple and Green: purple and green can either mean that he is functioning on a higher plane, or that the energies that are being channeled have fused and are functioning as a single entity.
  • Static/White Noise: static appears when he is suffering from dissociation or detachment (expressing my mental illness)
  • Glowing White: glowing white represents empowerment or enlightenment.
  • Dripping Black: dripping black represents corruption (symbolic of my mental illness again, just a different part/symptom of it)


  • He bleeds starlight.
  • He speaks mind-to-mind using telepathy when in an enlightened state. Anyone he is speaking to will hear his voice loud and clear inside of their mind (kind of like when Mewtwo talks).