Kai (AU List)



Alternate Universe Details

The following are details for stories and other forms in alternate universes and settings.
Name Kai Kamiya
Age 19-21
Region Johto

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Human and Mermaid [STORY]

To be written. Story is long.

Kingdom Hearts

Kai is a resident of Twilight Town, brother of Rei and a close friend of Eden and Felix. He's brave and quick-witted but has a short temper.

At some point, he receives a Keyblade called Shadow Wind. It has a dark ninja themed appearance with a large shuriken on the teeth and a short reach which allows Kai to execute attacks and even throw his Keyblade quickly. Although magic is not his specialty, he has an affinity for thunder and dark magic.

Fire Emblem Fates

Kai is a Hoshidan, born and raised in a ninja clan. His base classes are Ninja and Samurai. He can be promoted to Master Ninja, Mechanist, Swordmaster and Master of Arms.


Kai is a half-blood wizard and a Gryffindor student at Hogwarts. His favourite subjects are Defence Against the Dark Arts, Ghoul Studies and Flying. He plays as a Beater in Quidditch. His patronus is a crow.