Keiko Shiraishi (plot.)



Tokyo Expedition Arc

Keiko first appeared and was introduced as Shiratorizawa's manager when she encounters Ushijima getting scolded for letting in outsiders (Hinata and Kageyama). She walked outside as soon as Hinata and Kageyama were leaving, she only caught a glimpse of them. He explained to her that they were from Karasuno and she was shown looking at him unimpressed.

Spring High Preliminary Arc

Keiko had originally watched the Karasuno vs. Aoba Johsai match to see the potential of both opponents. She was seen writing notes in her notebook during the entire game to keep track of different players. She was mostly shocked at the intensity of these Miyagi schools, she felt a bit shaken as she thought Tokyo schools were superior but began to think otherwise. After seeing the end of the match she ends up making eye contact with Oikawa from the stands, he recognized her from when he faced Shiratorizawa last time. Her unimpressed expression made him a bit irritated.

When she went to go fill the team’s water bottles she accidentally walked in on Ushijima and Oikawa talking to each other. She ducked back into the hallway and peaked around the wall to avoid intruding but Ushijima already saw her. She stepped out of the hallway and walked towards them and Ushijima turned to her and asked why the water bottles weren't filled yet. She glares at him and walks away to the water fountain. She turns back around to Ushijima and tells him to hurry and start stretching for the next match.

Before the Karasuno vs. Shiratorizawa game, she helps with spike practicing by setting for the boys. During the match she sat on the bench and analyzed players on both sides, during their first time out she realized Hinata and Kageyama were the boys Ushijima had talked about. After Ushijima's spike was blocked by 11, Tsukishima, she began to show more interest in the match. She liked seeing the intensity of the players. As the match got more intense she got more excited. When they lost to Karasuno she can be seen in shock and she tears up a little bit but quickly walks away.

On the bus ride back to Shiratorizawa her and the other third years are the only ones awake. She's half awake and laying her head on the window, she’s distracted by her phone and music. No one said a word to each other on the ride back.

For her farewell speech she went after Ushijima, she didn't have anything prepared so she tried to smile to keep the team positive. This was the first time any of them had seen her genuine smile and not her awkward one.  

Tokyo Nationals Arc

Keiko assisted Washijō with the First Year Selective Training Camp, she usually played as an extra player or gave setting tips. When she was looking at the line up of first years she recognized Tsukishima and Hinata. She was excited to see both of them but was confused because she didn't remember Hinata's name being on her sheet of first year's attending. When she got a chance to talk to him she thought it was cute how seriously he took his job as ball boy. Later when the other Shiratorizawa members enter she hears Tendō and Ushijima talking to Hinata, she walks over to make sure nothing gets out of hand. She asks about Tsukishima and decides to pull him aside when the players were leaving. She challenges him to impress her like he did at the Karasuno vs. Shiratorizawa match.

She was in the area for Nationals due to a soccer tournament so she thought while she had some time before her tournament started that she'd attend to see her old friends play. She arrived in the second set of the Karasuno vs. Inarizaki match, she made her way over to Akaashi and Bokuto after Akaashi spotted her. 

She later goes with Akaashi and Bokuto to go watch the Karasuno vs. Nekoma match. She finds herself amazed by Alisa’s beauty, she keeps staring at the sister from afar. After Nekoma’s match she is seen asking to exchange socials and numbers with Alisa. She then says bye to Akaashi and the others and runs to catch the Itachiyama vs. Inubushi match to surprise Komori and Sakusa. She recognizes Iizuna from her and Komori’s conversations and is at first awestruck but then is quickly brought back to reality when he hurts his ankle. She admires is tenacity to get back onto the court.

Final Arc

She attends the Black Jackals vs. Schweiden Adlers match, she gets onigiri with Akaashi. She's talking to Akaashi and jokes to him that she got Ushijima that good at volleyball by being his manager. She tells him how she is currently trying to move in with her ‘girlfriend’, Alisa. Akaashi was shocked by the news and asked what happened to her high school fling with Iizuna.

Keiko plays in the Olympics on the Japan National Soccer team. Keiko keeps her love life a secret from the media so when there was a glimpse of her taking off her engagement ring, people were going crazy. After her game she was confronted by Bokuto who was bombarding her with questions about who it was, she laughed and told him she and Alisa had gotten together and she had proposed to Alisa couple months ago. Bokuto told her that they needed to celebrate soon and that she should've told him sooner.

She attended the Japan vs. Argentina game and sat front row. Before the match she and Oikawa made eye contact and she smiled and waved at him. Ushijima asked her why they seemed so close and Hinata chimed in that he and Oikawa had encountered her in Brazil, she was doing soccer training there before she came back to Japan to play for her pro team and the national team. She told him that's why she was so tan now, Keiko exclaims that she'll be just as loud and hyped about their match as they were about hers.