Scipio 21



3 years, 1 month ago


  • NAME Scipio
  • NICKNAMES Scramble
  • AGE Adult
  • BIRTHDAY Late Autumn
  • SIZE Large
  • GENDER Female
  • SPECIES Elemental Dragon
  • ORIGIN Opening Event
  • Element Earth
  • TAROT Knight of Swords
  • ORIENTATION Dragons, possibly Boulders
  • RIDER Jimena
  • CC PROFILE [Link]
  • MAIN THEME Big Jaw Comes to Steal

What is that rattling noise when she shakes her head?

We can't say for certain how Scipio got her nickname. Perhaps her real name was a little difficult for people to pronounce, or perhaps it was in reference to her brains...which sometimes seem a little scrambled. In any case, Scipio is a huge dork that runs around with all four arms flailing. She sits on her bottom four limbs like a dog and is even known to wag her tail when excited (much to the dismay of those around her). Her top two limbs are very short, but for some reason, she chooses those to express herself with. Her tattered frog throat makes what may have been beautiful noises a cacophony of squeaks. She believes this is the norm and is quite content with her "serenadous" voice. While clumsy, she is kindhearted and eager to create friendships with others. She will often pick people up and ferry them to their destinations (well, she's only successful half the time, but still).
















pessimist optimist

Naive Perceptive

Reserved Social

sassy polite

patient foolhardy






Scipio is quite loyal to her Rider. She may not understand the complexities of the issues Jimena deals with, but she does understand that Jimena always appreciates a silly dragon. Scramble is perfectly capable of that. On top of that, she's strong enough for it to be a personality trait. If Jimena sics her, she will leave only destruction behind.

  • Rocks
  • Jimena
  • Smiles
  • Birds
  • Hunger
  • Boredom
  • MOTHER Jimena
  • FATHER Also Jimena
  • SIBLINGS Unknown
  • MATE Unknown
  • OFFSPRING Many Pebbles Made

Scramble's egg was originally found in the wild. Initially feeling no connection, Jimena decided it would make for a delicious meal. When it didn't cook, she figured it was actually a rock that might sell well. Scipio hatched before any more disaster could happen.

Originally there was no connection between Jimena and Scipio. It eventually became a friendship--the way a dog and their master would bond--and at some point when neither was paying attention it became a mental bond as well. Once the mental connection was set, they became inseparable.


Baby Scipio was endearing enough that Jimena chose not to sell it, even though there was no bond between them. She ate her horrible cooking along with anything else that fit in her mouth. Rocks? Fair game. The little dragon was useful as a trash disposal. She ultimately earned her keep by serving as a natural distraction whenever Jimena needed one (and sometimes when she didn't).


They both agree that her adulthood started when the mental connection between them formed. She leaned into her talents as a troublemaker to become someone Jimena could depend on. She still has difficulty showing patience and reservation, but she's working on it. Jimena rarely takes sides with one alliance or the other, so Scipio is content to help with whatever Jimena feels is right at the time. On occassion, Jimena will ask her for advice. She does not know why her Rider would ever do that, but it happens consistently enough that she gives it her all when called upon.

As far as love interests and courtships and that sort of thing goes, Scipio is content to take things as they go. While she understands such things as devotion and loyalty, she understands collecting rocks much better. She collects lovers like she collects rocks, and she treasures each and every one of them.


Scipio does not have a developed Chronology yet. The gallery images are in no particular order, and not particularly canon.


Scipio is large, bordering on huge--about the size you would expect of an average Tyrannosaurus Rex. Her body is influenced by said dinosaur, along with Pachycephalosaurus, Stegosaurus, and general raptors and birds. She can destroy just about anything she slams her head into, and nothing is safe from holes when she's swinging her tail around. Other than these bits, she's quite safe to be around. Her mane is quite soft and her talons aren't particularly sharp. When at rest, she sits like a dog by relaxing her hind limbs and touching her central limbs to the ground. Her forelimbs are always free to assist in communication.


Scramble begins each day by eating. She continues each day by eating, ends each day by eating, and occassionally eats in her sleep. Jimena limits her to one regular meal per day--the other meals consist of rocks, metal, trees, and whatever else strikes her fancy.

She looks scraggly for an Earth dragon, so she can go many places without putting others on edge. This is advantegous for both her and Jimena. Jimena constantly takes on mercenary missions that start and end in brawls. Scramble loves to brawl, so the closer they can start the action, the better.


When resting at the Galleria, she enjoys sorting her collection of rocks. Very few can be called gemstones--in fact, the majority look like sandstone or river rocks--but she sorts them by color, shape, size, and composition. If there is one talent she has, it's to recognize what rocks are made of. Unfortunately this talent isn't useful outside of organizing rocks.

Scramble lives alongside many other dragons, some of which are her own hatchlings. While she isn't the 'dominant' or 'alpha' dragon, nor any kind of leader, her seniority is respected among the others. From her place as a mentor of sorts, she encourages others to get along and settles disputes. In terms of brute force, she is not physically strongest--but with magic and her bond with Jimena, she always comes out on top in skirmishes.


To write a profile without talking about her disabilities would be an injustice. She has several issues that even other Earth dragons would take notice of. First, she does not speak well. She understands Jimena mainly through their mental connection, but for everyone else, she just does her best to pull out keywords. She is able to live a fairly normal life thanks to her connection with Jimena, though when they are separated by distance, she struggles to keep up with the world around her.

Second, she is very frail for an Earth dragon. Her throat is in tatters and her spikes chip frequently. Her tail spikes are even known to fall off. They regenerate quickly enough thanks to earth magic, which she has quickly grown talented at. She's particularly aware of her weaknesses when surrounded by Jimena's other dragons. Whenever she becomes self-conscious, Jimena is quick to remind her that her true strength lies in her happiness and ability to forge bonds. Her heart shines just like the light on her chest.

 relationship -

Scipio's Rider and partner in crime (?) . Together, the two are unstoppable. Scipio is, without a doubt, the dragon closest to Jimena. She was the first hatched and bonded, even if the bond took a little more time than usual.