


3 years, 3 months ago



Name : Astersun
Aster –– any of various chiefly fall-blooming leafy-stemmed composite herbs with often showy heads containing disk flowers or both disk and ray flowers
Sun –– the luminous celestial body around which the earth and other planets revolve, from which they receive heat and light
Pastnames : Asterkit -> Astersoul -> Asterblaze
Age : 84 moons
Birthseason : Newleaf
Gender : Trans Molly (she/her)
Rank : Avatar of Phoenix
Residence : BayClan
Sexuality : Lesbian
Mate : N/A

Summary : A well-groomed long-furred deep red molly with low white and fiery orange eyes.
Breed : Moggy w/ Abyssian ancestory
Eye Colour : Fiery orange
Height : 13 inches
Body Type : Medium
Scars : None
Genetics : XOY, blbl, Dd, dmdm, aa, Mcmc, spsp, Tata, bmbm, ii, wbwb, EE, ShSh, Ccs, kk, Wsw


+ Diligent, Optimistic, Passionate, Cofident

= Formal, Intense, Artful, Dominating

- Critical, Morbid, Reactionary, Destructive

She embodies fire both good and bad. She warms with her bright, shining outlook, never one to give up hope and despite anything and everything holds her head high, she comforts, she cares. However like any fire, she is capable of destruction, she's sharp tongued, and doesn't hold back with how she feels and with a personality as big as her's it's hard not to feel dwarfed by her a fair amount.


Herbial Knowledge

Sire : Cottonplume [deceased].
Dam : Lavaslide [deceased].
Mate : N/A.
Kits : N/A.

She was born in BayClan when the first sun of Newleaf broke over the clan. Perhaps that was well enough a signal of her destiny. Early into her life she was selected by Phoenix Asterkit was gifted with eyes that burned like her pelt, she embraced her destiny of fire since before she even truly understood what it all met. Words from those she looked up to and her parents influencing her so much that even when she did understand she still took the molten crown with ready paws, one would have to wonder if she'd be so willing if things were different. So when the time came she was named Astersoul and trained under the well loved Desertsun. She admired her mentor greatly and despite her love for her parents Desertsun became the main influencer of her personality. When the time came Aster took the name Asterblaze and took her place as the disciple.

However all things must come to an end and shortly after her parents died Desertsun was next. One sun set so another had to rise, and so it did in the form of Astersun. Her devotion to Phoenix and her new role as Avatar was clear as the morning sun, as bright and as blinding as well. She served well over the moons as Avatar, however one of her most notable moments as Avatar was when Scorched Ice fell victim to the famine that was making waves through her beloved BayClan, with no other options and the seeming agreement from the deities, she urged her mate to take her place as soverign resulting in the terrible rule of Burning Tide. Grief that was unable to process turning him into a destructive force unlike her fire, it did not have a warm side, none of the security and more that fire could bring. It was like ice yet danced in a sick mirror of her beloved embers, freezing tempatures scorching the earth to charred yet somehow feeling as empty as the cold seasons. Astersun did what she could, even attempting to get closer with Burning Tide's grandson, Hazelwhisker. She knew what was coming and braced for it best she could.

It was seven moons ago now that Hazelwhisker fell Burning Tide in battle, she watched the young cat become Cherry Blossom. Thankful her ever loved Phoenix approved of the cat taking Burning Tide's place. Astersun vows to herself that BayClan will finally recover, she will warm it herself if she has to. She sees Cherry Blossom as the kindling needed to nurture a fire that would burn brightly and lovingly for moons.

code by jiko