


7 years, 13 days ago


i wrote this all when i was like 12 but i dont want to delete it so

During Kokoro's early years, she lived quietly with her mother and father in their small home in Russia. She didn't bother standing out, she didn't bother on looking pretty, all she cared about was her studied. Her parents weren't particular about anything she did, as long as they were happy that was all that mattered.

That soon got old for Koko though. She started watching cheap anime and manga she found at her local bookstore and eventually started a collection. She became engulfed in japanese culture and loved every bit of it. She started wearing colorful hair pins and cute glasses. By the time she graduated highschool, she was a completely different person. Saying goodbye to russia, she decided to move to america (due to costly japanese rent) and changed her life for the better.


-Kokoro's first language is russian! She's slowly learning japanese and is constantly learning more and more english! However she does have a strong accent.

-She has a pear shaped body! she has wide hips but a small chest.

-She has poor eyesight and has for her whole life. She always wears contacts!

-She's pretty good on the flute. first song she learned was senbonzakura. fkn nerd.

-Is the original owner of Michelle's hello kitty necklace! she gave it to her during their first meeting.