
3 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name:


Other Names:

Bunny (her full name is pronounced bah-nall-bun)


fem (she/her)


200ish (young adult for an infernal, 26-30 for a human)




whatever foster's up to

Creation Date:

January 29 2021 (designed November 18 2020)


An Infernal enjoying her time coercing mortals into causing chaos. Her role is to act as a dealmaker, offering rewards almost like a genie would offer wishes in return for humans making poor decisions that snowball into bigger problems. Bunny's a seasoned scout and has a fairly well-honed clairvoyant sense for the butterfly effect. She catches all sorts of people in her traps and has even had several contracts over her years.

Meeting and contracting a Celestial is something she never ever expected would happen, let alone to someone of her mildly-above-average-at-best caliber, nor did she have any precedent to predict what would happen as a result. Absolutely giddy at the prospect of achieving a contract no Infernal had ever sealed before, Bunny traded powers with Foster in a heartbeat, ready to guide him off-course and get him wreaking havoc in short order. She didn't expect him to do it for her, and she certainly didn't expect him to start getting murderous.

Having created this monster - and become quite fond of him, much to her chagrin - Bunny is now desperately trying to reign Foster in and fix him. Somehow. His caring Celestial nature has got to be somewhere in there still, right??

Bunny is a bit rough around the edges, but she's a fun-loving mischief maker. She's pretty social and loves hanging out with people just to shoot the shit and maybe get a little buzzed. Despite the slight partier persona she is actually very sensible and street-smart, and while she takes responsibility for herself and her actions she is good at recognizing when she needs to tap folks for help.

Social Connections

Foster - contract and consequence

World Context

Lore coming soon?

"Heaven" and "Hell" are not quite good/evil so much as order/chaos; they are in friendly (if strained) relations and never intend to hurt the mortals, just sway their alignments to benefit one or the other end goal

> Big

> WIP trivia <3

> She can't see, but has other senses (pits maybe?) to compensate

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Primary Notes
> eye socket grooves in her skull, no eyeballs or eyelids
> tooth gap!!!
> she has a flat chest, the wrap is for modesty, not a binder
> little tufty tail (its easy to miss)

> her hair clips are not exact and you may draw as many as you like

Other Things
> she's very big - fit, maybe not beefy
> her hair can and will completely cover her (nonexistent) eyes if it isn't contained