

Name Infi
Species Cat/Dragon Demideity
Gender Nonbinary
Pronouns he/him
Sexuality Acearo
Alignment Mind

A figure of myth in their own right, Infi was once a cat and dragon, fused by the goddess Sapphidel in an act of divine mercy that rallied peace between dragons and Saturnia. Now, Infi uses their new powers to make sure peace remains in Saturnia.



As a cat/dragon hybrid, Infi has aspects of both. They appear mostly as a cat with golden horns,a lengthened snout akin to a dragon’s, golden claw-like hands, longer golden claws on their back paws, a long scaly gold tail, dull gold rib-like growths on their body and large draconic wings that appear with a golden bone outside and purple, space-like membrane. Their fur is a deep purple and they have a lighter lavender ruff. Their eyes are pupilless and luminous yellow with golden scales under them.

Their usual attire consist of silver bracelets, anklets and bands with purple gems inset in them. They wear a short poncho with varying purple shades and a small purple gem.


Infi is an inquisitive and cheerful creature, appearing naive at first glance. Even with their age, they hold a child-like wonder for the world and modern times. They are optimistic and genuinely value all forms of life, to the point of going to great lengths to preserve them. They are wickedly smart and intuitive, surprising many who expected less from their personality. Some say they have an eccentric sense of humor and enjoy puns.


Many years past, a cat named Infi resided in the Wyld Mountains, at the time of the Saturn-Dracon War, an ongoing struggle between Saturnians and invading dragons. It was in these mountains he found a dragon egg, alone from its parents for one reason or another. Reason dictated Infi destroy the egg and prevent another possibly dangerous dragon from coming into existence. But he couldn’t and instead took it home, believing he could teach it to be a good and peaceful creature.

The egg hatched into a golden dragon which named herself Faustina. Together, they lived, becoming friends. Faustina, not knowing anything else, loved Saturnia and its people, seeing it as her home. When news came that one of Infi’s sisters was at the site of an incoming dragon attack, Infi and Faustina rode, hoping to bring the battle to an end.

Once there, they tried to show the two groups peace and unity could be achieved. However, neither group was willing to budge, to the point a dragon attacked, intending to kill Infi. But Faustina moved so she’d take the fatal hit, not her friend. When Faustina fell, all groups fell silent, stunned in silence at the grieving wail Infi gave.

What happened next is largely shoruded in myth, due to the unbelievability at what happened. But it’s said, Infi’s grief and crying was so great it moved even Sapphidel who descended from the heavens to console the cat. She supposedly explained she couldn’t resurrect the dragon into her now passed body, as it would violate Zael’s laws. Infi offered himself to house her soul and convinced both the deity and Faustina’s spirit to do that, thus making a loophole. What happened to the now fused Infi no one knows. Some say they flew away or were spirited away by Sapphidel.

In truth, Infi now resides on the Infinite Islands, an island chain far north. Here, they use their new abilities to help far off Saturnia.


Due to their status as a demigod under Sapphidel, the Mind Sentinel, Infi has a lot of abilities. They can see into the future, including branching pathways, which they use to manipulate the future in subtle ways. They can use telepathy, which is their preferred method of communication. They can use telekinesis. They have an extremely high healing factor and eternal youth, making it unknown if they can even die. They retain the draconic breath ability, able to breath concussive waves of telekinetic force.


  • Infi considers themselves a composite being, neither really Infi or Faustina but a new hybrid of both.
  • It’s said that neither the original Infi or Faustina were of Mind, making today’s Infi one of the few cases of a creature switching elements and surviving the shock.
  • Infi was created sometime in 2010 as Infinite who was composed of two “personalities”, Infilight and Infinight.
  • Infi gets their name from the word “infinite”.

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