if the other offer falls through id be very interested in these two!!! can do w/ no hold or payment plan

i'll for sure let you know :]

Would you do a payment plan/hold of two weeks? :’0

i would! :]

I’d love to buy them for the 180 on a two week hold plan, if that’s okay! Also as a side note, if Seedum your succubun ends up falling through please let me know ;o; I can’t believe I missed them being ufo

that's more than okay - i'll mark them as pending, just let me know whenever you're able to pay. and yes, i'm more than happy to let you know about sedum too :]

Thank you so so much! Would you prefer a dm here or on discord? 

either works just fine - my discord is oleaspur, though, if you still need it ^__^

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