


3 years, 1 month ago


-Firstborn of Hualing and Xiao, he has a younger sister named Meifen a few years younger than he is

-He's an electro polearm just like his mother, he wanted to learn specifically the same weapon as both his parents

-his constellation is Alatus Percutiens, roughly translating to winged strike. Like father like son on that Alatus guys <3

-Obviously he is partial adeptus, and it's the same bird theme his father has

-He's a lot like Hualing, just not as energetic. He's calm and collected more like Xiao, but he makes it clear he has a lot of pride in himself. Naturally, he has a good set of skills in battle

-Like Hualing was, he is the heir to the Sun clan after her. He also works for the ministry of civil affairs, so it tied the Sun clan into that business

-He doesn’t really like socializing much, only having a few friends, most being family members. He typically hangs around his cousin Qiuyue the most, including her girlfriend Yanfen, her half sister Qiangkun, her friend Aeron, and Huoshui. That concludes his little friend group.