1✦ Akumu (Michael)



3 years, 5 months ago


# / 85: 1
 Michael Akumu Conall Beaulieu (Becomes "Michael Akumu Conall Lowell" AFTER marriage)
Nickname(s): Akumu, Mu (Primarily by Norah/Dai), Mike (Only by Chase)
Gender | Pronouns: Male | He,Him
Birthday | Zodiac: November 7th | Scorpio
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Biromantic Asexual
Age: Young Adult/Adult shown in fullbody ref! (Drawing them younger/older is fine!)
Height (Human): 5’10”ft
Species: Human (Animal form can be cat or wolf)
Eye Color/Range(s): Purple/Pink
MBTI: INFP-A (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Prospecting- Assertive) "The Mediator"
- Barista/Coffeehouse (Young Adult)
- Middle School Art Teacher (Adult)

Quick Get to Know:
- Super mellow and sleepy looking usually! He often keeps a eye out on those close to him and because of that he becomes the sort of central "pack leader" in groups he's in! Not because he's jumping in to lead/defend everyone but simply because he's a pretty central point in maintaining the balance of it and the others respect him/his input- often finding him approachable for any problems they're having as well! Due to his mellow nature he rarely raises his tone and often prefers to quietly listen to everyone and/or have conversations when needed to settle things. Despite his overall demeanor he can be dorky at times and perk up becoming rather playful! 
Sometimes he needs to be alone in his own space to reflect or zone out- but even then if folks are willing to quietly be around him when doing so he doesn't mind!

Likes ♥:
- Stars, space, sleeping, hot cocoa, milk chocolate, sweets, gemstones, nighttime, baths, bath bombs, video games, art (painting, sketching/concepts and jewelry), sweaters, hoodies, dogs, piano music, soft/instrumental music in general, train rides, people playing/petting his hair, cuddling, fall, the PKMN Munna/Musharna, Devils Food Cake

Dislikes X:
- Spicy food, being woken up (But he deals with it lmao), driving (esp in the winter), bumper cars, spicy food, the cold, migraines, being called "Mike" (After breakup with Chase) and Summer/heat

Bonus/Fun Facts:
- Associated with: Space, galaxies, stars, illusions, dreams, responsibility, body

- School District: Knights (student/attended younger years), Dragons (Student/attended in young and teen years), Knights (works in)
- Name Meaning(s): Michael means "who is like god?", Akumu is Japanese for "Nightmare", Conall is Irish for "high and mighty, strong wolf", Beaulieu is french for "Beautiful Place" and Lowell is French for "wolf/young wolf"
- Health: Slightly weaker Immune System, headaches, migraines, insomnia tendencies! His Insomnia gets better in time!
- Inspiration: He was made initially playing off a collective idea of devil/Morning Star/fallen angel, archangel and demi-god and can also be associated with all of those! Also was made at a low point in my life hence his general angsty black/red colors and emo boy look I kid you not LMAO.
- Body Type Info: He has a slight athletic/average fit body type! The man does not work out (aside from his time in football and general walking around) he's just blessed by his genetics LMAO (He's got a nice back I'm just sayin)
- ✨STORY THEME: Akumu while knowing his past feels he has lost himself. He has a bit of a sort of coming of age/self discovery type story. He learns to love himself more and realizes he was never really lost in the end.

- A note on the old AU: He was a mortal revived suddenly but revived by accident with god powers resulting in a overload (A originally mortal body now charged up with magic/power and god abilities) and basically was a sort of demi god! The story beats of that hold true still (A boy revived after briefly dieing in a car accident and a slight change of identity /his name preference/) BUT its been flipped a bit in that the joke is now his mother could have been a goddess who took a human form and thus he was a demigod from that but more durable then her since he's partially human LMAO. Either way the result was slightly overloaded body (which translates to the slight weak immune system, headaches and all that in the more modern story now!)
- He has a slightly weaker immune system! So he’s prone to colds, headaches and so on!
- Following the car accident he has a few permanent scars on his neck/arms, gets migraines periodically and becomes insomniatic. Within time (when he’s a young adult/adult) he becomes less insomniatic and sleeps more soundly.
- He has a knack for painting, sketching/concepts and jewelry making.
- It took him 3 times to pass his drivers test. While he can drive he does avoid if not outright refuse to drive in snowy conditions. He prefers/enjoys walking in general when possible.
- He can speak a small bit of very basic Spanish (Learned from Dally and Claudia)

- His neck is a bit sensitive
- He sometimes lightly snores in his sleep
- In football he is a defensive lineman and is #77 on the team! He's not really a sport kid but kinda got dragged into it with Daichi/Norah so he plays but is very veeery lowkey
- He enjoys nicknaming things/people and as a result has coined names/nicknames for plushies, pets and those close to him.
- Norah and Akumu while considering each other siblings also see each other as one another's best friend!
- He sees Marina, Dally, Oden, Claudia and Justice all as his parents!

- ChaseXAkumu Breakdown: These two fell in love with Akumu being super shy/flustered and Chase mainly being the confident one to pursue/ask him out! They're opposites confident/shy, energetic/sleepy and so on! They even have matching little bracelets made by Akumu (Chase's idea/request) that they wear with the others eye color as a bead. Chase is more experienced with relationships where as this is Akumus first relationship. Chase is very patient/kind with him and so on. HOWEVER miscommunication + cheating happens between the two down the road. Akumu asks Chase to not be so flirty with folks now that they are dating (While Akumu wouldnt mind if it was flirting in the scenario of a polyam/or something they agree to Chase's general flirting with anyone/everyone can be to much!). Chase however continues to do so anyway- eventually backfiring when at a party Chase ends up flirting + drinking and ends up consensually sleeping with someone. Realizing only after he fucked up and feeling guilty he opts to hide it from Akumu. Even becoming somewhat distanced from Akumu due to his regret/avoidance of telling the truth. However rumour spreads and reaches Akumu anyway who then tries to talk to Chase about it but is brushed off. (Chase becoming defensive and dismissing it). Due to the distance, lack of communication/brush off and being cheated on/lied to Akumu breaks up with Chase. Chase becomes a bit rude as a result being hurt from the breakup but still refusing to accept responsibility for his actions. In time he reflects on it all though and faces it. He regrets it and even apologizes for it as adults/later on to those affected by his behaviors. (Akumu and friends who he had been rude to such as Izzy).
- Akumu, Zach and Izzy form a happy Polyam and the three live together as well as have two kids! They each have a unique ring that has the other two partners of the polyams eye color as 2 jewels on the ring!
- Izzy and Akumu always still loved each other even as friends after they initially separated/broke up. They quickly became close during their time dating and still stay in touch after. (They figured they'd separate figure themselves out individually and if they ever got together good or if they stayed just friends forever tht wld be ok as well!) When Akumu falls for Zach- Izzy happily encourages the relationship. Later on meeting Zach him and Izzy hit it off immediately getting along fantastically and as they all spend more time together the trio becomes closer. Eventually deciding to form a Polyam!

- The AkumuXIzzyXZach family (Akumu, Izzy, Zach, Selina and Rune) tend to be pretty open! Also they raise their kids Selina/Rune to be rather Independent/Explore openly.