3✦ Norah



3 years, 2 months ago


# / 85: 3
 Norah Eris Leona
Nickname(s): Nor, The Buck/Buck (In sports)
Gender | Pronouns: Female | She,Her
Birthday | Zodiac: April 1st |Aries
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Homo-sexual/romantic (Lesbian)
Age: Young Adult/Adult shown in fullbody ref! (Drawing them younger/older is fine!)
Height (Human): 5’0”ft
Species: Human (Animal form can be deer or deer/dragon hybrid)
Eye Color/Range(s): Red/Pink
MBTI: ESTP-T (Extroverted, Sensing, Thinking, Prospecting-Turbulent) "The Entrepreneur"

- In a Gym (Manager? Like the front desk person to etc! Makes sure people aren't messing up equipment) (Young Adult)
- Runs/Manages family owned Bakery (Young Adult/Adult)

• Quick Get to Know:
- Incredibly enthusiastic, adventurous, curious and ready for challenges! An absolute power house of energy (until she needs to crash for a nap LMAO). She can sometimes jump into things fast but she's super smart/clever and knows what she's doing really! Loves hanging out and chatting with others. She's always willing to help a friend if need be and would make a great leader in if not for the fact she like's to run into things so much for her own adventure/curiosity. While she comes off extremely confidant and unbothered by things she often keeps her true struggles/troubles to herself putting up a sort of guise- only a few who are very close to her will know/be told/shown how she's truly feeling.

• Likes ♥:
- Hot Pickles, spicy food, playing video games (app games on her phone the most), Josie's baked foods especially the cookies, reading, solving problems, crop tops, hoodies/pullovers Jell-o, pudding, juice boxes, blankets, going out for icecream, glowsticks, girls, bothering Amsgard, puns, sports, football, baseball, floor hockey, sleeping, candy, amusement parks, quick naps, baseball bats, walking around barefoot

• Dislikes X:
- Bra's (She'll put up with sport bras and bandeaus LMAO), needles/getting shots (she will sob), burnt food/the smell of burnt food, seagulls (terrifying creatures of the skies shes sworn war on them), when a video is buffering/game is loading, flat soda, Tubbs (Neko Atsume), dealing with her own emotions

Bonus/Fun Facts:
- Associated with: Shooting star, guiding light, Heart

- School District: Dragons (student/attended younger years)
- Name Meaning(s): Norah is from a few origins but means "Honor" or "Light", Eris mean "Goddess of War/Chaos", Leona means "lioness"
- Health: She has ADHD (Due to this she tends to be a bit impulsive, impatient and can get easily frustrated with things)
- Inspiration: Some of my own tomboyish behaviors in my younger years and girls who I thought we're pretty cool and kick ass (IRL and in shows!)
- Body Type Info: ShE'S FIT I just suck at drawing it!!! Idc if shes drawn just fit looking or with muscle definition (abs/toned arms)! Eithers good!

- ✨STORY THEME: Norah has always been able to simple work towards what she wants/charge at what she wants. When faced with the possible reality of losing her mother (Something she cannot suddenly fix/change) she has a bit of a wake up call and realizes just working/running towards things isn't always a option causing her to question herself, her own abilities and everything. During this time she is faced with her own emotions, learns to sort through them and learns its ok to lean on others a bit more instead of doing/handling everything herself.

- She is left handed
- In football Norah is #69 on the team. She plays various Defensive positions proving herself capable of being a quick and strong af tackler! She also scored a touch down in a game for the team!
- She's on the Baseball/Softball team and that's her "main" sport!
- While Eliza is her mother she considers Claudia/Justice her parents as well! (Basically 3 parents: Eliza, Claudia and Justice!)
- Eliza/Norah live with Claudia/Justice/Akumu/Daichi eventually since they have a big house. Norah essentially is raised with 3 parents and 2 siblings and is close with them all!
- Norah has no interest in meeting her father. She doesn't dislike him or anything she simply doesn't care! She knows her mother loved him but ultimately let him leave of his own accord. Norah knows her dad wanted to explore and often jokes when asked about him where he may have ended up. Changing the location every time when asked (Ex. He's somewhere in the desert, he's on a boat, he's in Antartica, he's in the city, he could've been eaten by a giant fish, he's fighting a bear in the wilderness, he's befriending penguins and so on)
- Norah and Akumu while considering each other siblings also see each other as one another's best friend!
- When NorahXJosie decided to have a baby they use Norahs genetics + a donor and then Jaime carried the pregnancy. They thought it'd be a nice way for them to both kinda contribute to having Reina yE