
Full Name: Lenore Calliope Bishop
Nickname: Leni

Leni survived a car crash when she was only a couple of years old, one that her parents unfortunately didn't survive.

She was passed around her relatives until she was 16, when she was finally adopted by one of her extended relatives. This relative was a strict woman, who drilled in that Leni was alone in the world. Nobody really cared for her.

Leni moved out at the age of 19 -- though "moved out" is generous. She more just ran away with funds she'd been saving on her own.

At 21, Leni is working a job and maintaining her apartment, but is generally a very soft-spoken woman who is very guarded, but...also very, very lonely. and knows she can't do much about that.

One night, she saw a shooting star, and decided to make a wish: "I wish to have...a friend. A partner. A-anything." In her sleep, she saw the image of a frightening young man protecting her, and remembered a name: Alatus.

Several nights later, when Leni was attacked by a man trying to steal her purse, the young man appeared. Shocked, but not wanting him to leave so soon, she called out the name she was given.

...and that's how Xiao became a violent yaksha in modern-day Earth.


Genshin Stats (because you know. au stuff.):

Rarity: ☆☆☆☆☆
Constellation: Filia Reginae Ollam (Princess of the Pot)
Vision: Dendro
Weapon: Catalyst
Sex: Female
Birthday: September 1st
Region: Unknown; currently resides in Liyue
Affiliation: Liyue Adeptus
Titles: The Mysterious Adeptus, The Youthful Adeptus, "That Weird Adepti Lady" (Paimon)


  • Works as a bookkeeper.
  • She very much has a stammering problem. She was bullied for it by people around her when she was younger. It was only after getting an apartment by herself that she's made any progress on "solving" the problem, and...well. She's still got it.
  • As implied by the fact she ran away and struck out on her own, she does have a brave bone in her body Somewhere. If times get desperate, she can be surprisingly courageous, but she has to be pushed to that point.
  • Leni doesn't like the idea of being violent. It's just not her. She's also not very strong physically, and I like to think she was considering going to a gym pre-xiao anxious over the thought.
  • Leni has only...2-3 photos of her parents, and they were pictures prior to when she was born. They're small enough that they could all be placed in a single frame. She keeps this frame in her bedroom, face-down, on her bedside table. Sometimes she'll pick it up and talk to it like she's contacting her parents on the phone, but only in certain circumstances.
  • Leni's apartment is surprisingly clean and...perhaps even bare? She doesn't often buy luxury items for herself, instead saving her money "just in case" outside of bills, groceries, replacing a plant or two in her apartment, or getting new (but still ultimately functional and thrifty) clothing.
  • she also doesn't watch much movies, but there is a tv in her apartment connected to a dvd player. it came with the apartment and the rest of the furniture.
  • tbh leni is p much always drinking water. it's not until xiao arrives and expresses a desire for tea that she starts drinking tea too