Alice Crimlyte



6 years, 11 months ago



name: alice crimlyte
world: heartbleed chron.
gender: female
home: starbyte city
species: human
status: alive

   Extra Info

• tba


5137695_bvxa17B9nJkZ4QZ.png Alice Crimlyte is the younger of the Crimlyte sisters, living with their mother in the Stardust Tower. As one of the top dogs of the city, Alice has gotten a bit prideful in her position, but there's always her family to bring her back down to earth. She was the first to notice the growing tension to the east, and is trying to formulate a plan to deal with it- one that's changed a lot over time. She loves a good fight, but her sister and mother certainly don't, leading her to have to solve this problem in a way that doesn't involve punching stuff for once.

Alice is a hot-headed woman, generally fairly chill around people she likes, but quick to anger and even quicker to resort to violence. If Celia wasn't around to hold her back, it's not unlikely that she'd get herself killed through sheer recklessness; she's the type who would dive straight into the Heartbleed Forest without so much as a tiny bit of planning. She is definitely not a tactics person and not very good at thinking stuff through.



Celia Crimlyte

 Alice and Celia's entire dynamic is basically those scenes where one character charges forward arms a-swinging like LEMME AT 'EM LEMME AT 'EM and the other holds them back by the arm. Nonetheless, they are very fond of each other.

Evelyn Crimlyte

 Alice isn't as much of a "mama's girl" as Celia is, being more independent and less willing to hide behind her more powerful mother when confronted with a threat. She loves Evelyn all the same, though, and, surprisingly, is often the first to come to support her.