Benjemima Hill



3 years, 2 months ago


evil 3mouth

Benjemima is the research assistant of Cathy at their introduction point of the story. They claim to be a rare 'green eyed Gemstone' with swirls all over their hands but no other powers to speak of. They wear gloves to cover their hands usually. They do however have enough magic to set off Gemstone scanners which does not typically go well for them. 

However, when they go to the Gemstone headquarters for assistance in bypassing said scanners, it is revealed that they are a descendant of Charles and Matteo. Not just any descendant either, they're a direct child of theirs from the 1800s who inherited their power of reincarnation. Benjemima's past life memories had been fading with each incarnation but come back full force when they're reunited with their estranged parents, and along with those memories come some Very unpleasant emotions. 

Benjemima breaks away from Cathy to hunt down remnants of their past, namely an old flame who went by Félicien and they quickly become (quite happily) entangled in his dark life once more.