Caterina Caravello



3 years, 2 months ago


the only one with a brain cell

Cat is the older sibling of Marcello and the head of the Edel Safehouse after she and Nadiye overthrow Charles and Matteo. She's a fair and level headed leader for the most part but has a weak spot for Marcy and will do anything for them. She despises Mircea and refuses to refer to him by name or talk to him more than is absolutely necessary. She is a trans woman but didn't come out until later in life as she first tried to ignore her feelings and then later felt like she would be copying Marcello too much who is nonbinary. But after she comes out she's met with nothing but support and is very happy and comfortable in her identity. 

She's one of the only humans who doesn't treat Vincent as anything different or weird which he appreciates. She has a limp and walks with a cane due to an injury from Mircea. Cat seems gruff and hard to talk to but she cares a lot about all the people in her care and will do anything to make them safe. She has been running the safe house for decades and dedicates most of her time to make sure everyone there is as healthy and happy as possible.