Dolce Fragola



3 years, 2 months ago


Dolce Fragola

❝ In this world where everything is unjust somehow, to in our own motives is all we're left with.
Dolce to Jolyne.

Dolce Fragola
Anime| Manga
Biographical Information
Japanese Nameドルチェ - イチゴ
Localised NameDolce Fragola
NamesakeDolce and Gabbana (Italian fashion house)
Fragola: "Strawberry" in Italian
Birthday27th October, 1992
Zodiac SignScorpio
Chinese ZodiacMonkey
Height125cm (4ft, 11in)
Blood TypeA
Hair ColourIndigo
Eye ColourViolet
Occupation(s)Student Teacher (pre-Stone Ocean)
Food(s)Cherry Pepsi, dark chocolate, plain spaghetti
Musician(s)Gwen Stefani, Kate Bush
Actor(s)Emma Watson
Mona Fragola (Mother) 
Gabbana Fragola (Twin Brother)
Rosetta Limone (Second Cousin)
First Appearance
Japanese Voice//INSERT HERE INFO//
English Voice//INSERT HERE INFO//
Image Gallery



Dolce is a young woman of far below average height and somewhat curvaceous, albeit unfit, figure.

She has slight bags under her eyes, along with a spattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose and out onto her cheeks with a few dotting her ears. A portion of her hair is braided over her fringe, adorned with a butterfly clip three-quarters of the way down. The rest of her hair hangs freely in a bob, cut somewhat shorter than the braid.
Dolce is missing her pinkie finger on her left hand from an accident as a child thus leaving her with a rather ugly scar where the finger once was. She has a small tattoo of an otter on her inner wrist as an attempt to detract from her scar.
Dolce has a penchant for wild patterns, with her short-cut shirt being made up of a black polka-dotted piece with a vaguely oceanic piece over the breast area (closely resembling a real Dolce and Gabbana piece), as well as a discordant scheme of colour on the butterflies in her hair.

She usually wears a summery blue wrap skirt with lace trim (based off of this Dolce and Gabbana dress), often with a Tamagotchi or something similar hooked into the loops.
She wears heels with her first initial (D) to make up for her miniscule height (once again based on a Dolce and Gabbana piece).


Dolce is an initially extremely demure and quiet woman, generally completely avoiding conversation if it isn’t a necessary evil. She struggles immensely with talking without an annoying stutter or fidgeting, so she tends to seem even shyer when she actually opens her mouth. She throws herself entirely into non-social activities like studying and artistic endeavours.

Though she tries to keep it subtle, Dolce is fiercely loyal and protective, often forgetting her own needs in her constant attempts to keep others safe; however this trait can go to extreme lengths if she deems it necessary, however, and can fly into a blind rage over petty things if it seems to be upsetting someone. Violence isn’t something she’s shy to if it’s necessary, but she will only do such things if she personally believes it to be the only appropriate response. She refuses to lie even to protect herself, and speaks of this trait in particular with an odd pride.

Dolce, even during her time in prison, is polite and shies from unnecessary conflict, preferring to remain an unseen creature in the hierarchy of Green Dolphin. Despite this, perhaps due to the nature of her crime (murdering a pedophile), many inmates have an innate respect for Dolce and tend to leave her alone; she has also supposedly been "called on" to deal with other inmates with crimes related to children, resulting in her sentence being extended even further due to the physical assault of another inmate. Inmates who have been victims of such crimes seek silent comfort in Dolce's presence, knowing that there is at least one person out there who will (regardless of legal repercussion) punish anyone who hurts a child.

This innate need to protect the young stems from Dolce's own rough childhood; Mona, as a narcissist, made little time for her children and soon grew tired of them. Dolce and her brother, Gabbana, were thusly moving between relatives rather often and Dolce took on the motherly role for her twin in place of Mona herself. Young Dolce grew to hate how adults could manipulate younger people, and was often in trouble for speaking out of line in school and even threatening to hurt teachers who she saw as bullies to weaker students. Upon moving to America, Dolce cut all ties with her mother and brought her brother with her to live somewhere she had bought with the money she'd scraped together; she still worries for him even inside the Aquarium, and often voices that her only regret is leaving him alone.

She speaks with a mild Italian accent and often has to pause to trawl her brain for what a word is in English; with those she’s close to, she’ll slip affectionate nicknames in her mother tongue into conversation.



Roxette is a humanoid Stand with the ability to change things between molecular states; for solid objects, it is short range, but for gases and liquids it is far longer, being able to solidify bodies of water such as the lake during the hunt for the bodies in the farm (F.F. arc), liquify the perfume released by Mona's Pink Triangle, rendering it useless, and liquify Angelyne's money to help her sneak it past the guards (disguising it as sweat). 




Family (Blood and Adopted)

  • Mona Fragola: Mona was rarely around for Dolce or Gabbana as children, so Dolce soon formed a silent resentment towards the woman, rarely bothering to speak to her. On the rare occasions Mona was around, she tended to make every situation entirely about herself and almost never listened to her children's input; she was an inherent narcissist and Dolce was always certain she wouldn't really care if she or Gabbana entirely disappeared. Dolce moves Gabbana to America with her in an attempt to found a happier life and cuts Mona out of her life entirely as a part of that; Dolce didn't even bother contacting Mona about her prison sentence, instead simply accepting her sentence with no kind of outside help.
  • When Dolce discovers Mona's Stand disc amongst those in the tire, she snatches it from the pile and completely destroys it. She treats her mother entirely as a stranger and instead introduces Rosetta and Trish, her aunts, as her family to Jolyne. 

  • Gabbana Fragola: As twins, Dolce and Gabbana have an incredibly close bond unlike any other either has experienced; they lived through Mona's awful parenting together, and even awakened their Stands at the same time (Gabbana's body reacted to the stress signals from Dolce's). With both of them being furiously protective people, they tend to bicker over the other getting into trouble rather often, but neither can recall an occasion where they have fought like sibling usually do; they're very much on the same wavelength, with Dolce's quiet nature balancing out Gabbana's more brash personality. Dolce and Gabbana often give the impression of being able to read each others' minds, often finishing the others' sentence or even anticipating how the other would win a fight ages in advance, but whether they can actually do this is something they never express; it's some kind of inside joke, and they don't want anyone else in on it.

  • Rosetta Limone: Rosetta happened to be travelling through America with her sister, Trish, when she first heard from her father that Mona’s daughter had managed to end up in prison. Despite never having breathed a word to the girl before, Rosetta practically forced her way into Green Dolphin Prison to meet with Dolce, making good use of her skills from her Passione days to get just what she wanted; Dolce’s face immediately reminded her of a struck deer, resulting in the nickname “Doe” and complete refusal on Rosetta’s side to be babied by Dolce, who was evidently not all there emotionally. Initially Rosetta toyed with the idea of somehow getting some old friends of hers to bail Dolce out entirely, but the terrified expression on Dolce’s face at the mention of the mafia was enough for Rosetta to entirely put that idea aside; instead, she decided piercing Dolce with her pendant (Stand arrow) would be more than enough to ensure she at least survived in prison. Rosetta takes on a more motherly role towards Dolce, mirroring the relationship she herself has with Marcelo Panettone. 

  • Trish Una: Dolce's voice of reason, in many ways. Trish recognises a lot of Rosetta's impulsive traits in Dolce so she knows when to stop her from doing something stupid and when to let her give hell to people who deserve it. She appears to be the one sneaking money to Dolce, though under Rosetta's name as to not ruin her pop star image. 


  • Angelyne: Dolce's closest friend. The two were placed in a cell together as they had committed similarly "awful" crimes; they bonded over how they didn't regret anything they had done, with both sharing a hatred of manipulative adults and/or authority. Despite not being a Stand user herself (initially), Angelyne can for whatever reason see Stands; she is a rather spiritual person, and is enamoured by the "aura" given off by Dolce's Roxette, stating that it was "the only light in all the world she could let herself bathe in without fear". Dolce is also the only person in the Aquarium privy to the knowledge of Angelyne's deep-rooted theophobia (fear of religion/religious people) and that Angelyne's mother is a friend of the man she simply calls "the Father" (Pucci, as later explained); this fear saves Dolce from having her own discs stolen on many occasions due to Angelyne's odd ability to sense "bad auras". 
  • Dolce works hard to help Angelyne conquer the parts of her fear that are barring her from enjoying life, such as slowly reintroducing the concept of Christmas (and in turn, Angelyne's birthday, as both are the same date) by cutting parts of her old uniform into bunting to decorate their room. Angelyne emotionally depends on Dolce just as Dolce does on her, and both share enemies; they are in many ways two parts of one whole, a concept neither has ever experienced previously.

  • Jolyne Cujoh: From the moment Jolyne arrives at Green Dolphin, Dolce is mesmerised by her but is terrified to speak a word to her; they are introduced after Angelyne is sent to solitary for attacking Notte, ending with Jolyne getting roomed with Dolce. They bond over the similarities of their terrible parents; Mona's selfishness, Jotaro's distance, all of it draws the two closer until they are spending every night talking about anything that comes to mind until sleep takes over entirely. Dolce shares all of the knowledge Rosetta gives her on Stands with Jolyne and becomes the only constant dependant she has in the Aquarium; her seemingly naïve kindness is something Jolyne initially sees as weakness, but quickly learns to love as a very human part of Dolce that has somehow stayed unaffected by her less than gentle life. 
  • One specific act Dolce fails to remember but sticks closely with Jolyne is when Dolce used Roxette to sneak food away from the cafeteria and to Jolyne when she'd overslept after a bad night; the effort she'd have had to have gone through just to get her such a small thing struck a chord. Dolce really treasures having someone who really understands her home situation; being held for hours while she goes over and over all of the times she had to help herself and Gabbana do everything a parent would usually help with alone. Having soft hands cup hers while she cries that she can't seem to help anyone, or that she'll be in the Aquarium for life. There is something that these two just seem to "get" about each other, and a silent bond of adoration forms before either can really realise it. 


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Profile by Erandia