


3 years, 5 months ago


female | 43 | siberian cat

The mam of Daf and Gwen, as well as a beloved primary school teacher, Jacqui is a laid back soul with a deep appreciation for nature. She's never quite lost that hippie streak from her youth, and can often be found resting or working in the garden, listening to her old favourite records, or wandering in the hills and valleys that surround the village. She's the type of parent that lets her kids make a few mistakes if it allows them to learn valuable lessons, and she's always encouraged them to feel safe in telling them when things go wrong. That said, she is very protective, and has a hidden fiery side to her that can be let out if someone were to mess with her family. Luckily for her and those around her though, small town life suits nicely, and they've got a good lot of kind folks around them,,
Despite appearances, she's actually a native of the area, having moved away in her late teens to attend university, hence her softer accent and more proper way of speaking. While away she met her husband, and the two moved back to her hometown to settle down and have their two kids. They live a very comfortable life between her husband's auto shop business and her own income as a teacher, though she's always happy to give to those less fortunate and support important causes. She's especially passionate about the environment.