


7 years, 5 days ago


★Basics:: Hush calls me Mama :3

★ Name:: Arthur Flicker (Goes by Hush now)

★ Nick Names:: Hush Mouth

★ Gender:: Male

★ Appears:: Twenties

★ Actual Age:: Varies

★ Date of Birth:: July 31

★ Height:: TOL

★ Personality:: Hush is a social butterfly, extrovert and makes friends easily. He warms up to others fast and somewhat becomes a little too loyal especially to his closest friends and family. Hush can not handle betrayal, but he is willing to give others the benefit of the doutb and gives second chances. However he won't so easily be fool a second time. Hush has a positive out look on life most of the time; he likes to try new things and isn't afraid to take the lead. He has good people skills; picks up on the moods of others easily and not afraid to make first conversation with others. Has a big soft spot for animals and becomes stupidly dumb and excited around anything small, fluffy or cute.

★ Preference:: Asexual/Pans

★ Relationship Status:: Mates with Kaveh and Dasher

★Detailed:: Hush is friendly towards anyone he meets as long as they give him no reason to not be. He sometimes stupidly walks up to people without considering if his appearance might be frightening to them. He hasn't quite learn normal humans are uneasy with Hypers and don't always want to be his friend. Hush is a sucker for anything small and adorable such as baby animals and small objects like tiny tea cups! He can't handle those things and has to pick up or pet them. Hush has a good memory and will remember songs he has heard and sing them. After becoming a hyper, Hush has started to have hallucinations ranging from mild to server. These can be anything from slight color changes, to hearing things and seeing monsters. His hallucinations are usually trigger by fear, most often caused by loud noises. He suffers from anxiety which doesn't help his situation. He doesn't like loud noises, particularly lightning. During rain storms Hush can be found curled up under something(he later over comes this fear). Hush's best friend is his cousin Collin or Collins as he refers to him as. Hush usually listens to anything Collins says, whom has become his caretaker, but he has a mind of his own and will do his own thing when he sees fit. Not afraid to get in touch with his feminine side, Hush actually likes to wear dresses or jewelry sometimes. 

Hush has the ability to produce, manipulate and control lightning and electricity. His soul is of a blue and his animal is a butterfly. When he activates is soul powers, Hush gains glowing blue markings on his body and butterfly wings. He can fly with this ability. Hush can also use his scarf, using electic serges, as extra limbs. He also likes to wrap himself in his scarf for warmth. Hush does not like the heat, however he can tolerate the cold much better. Hush's god abilities allows him to control the weather, he is in charge of the rains and is conistered the God of Spring. Hush's main duties is to collect and protect the Souls. He gathers them up and takes them to the afterlife where they wait to be reborn again. He considers himself a Soul God, but most refer to him as the Death God. He keeps his identy as a god a secret unlike Collins. 

Hush has a life cycle that repeats every ten years he will begin to wither and encase himself in his scarf. He will "die" and his body will remain dorment while his soul is off in the spirit world where he maintains the souls he has collected. No children can be conceived or born during this time and the world will experience a drought. Collins will protect or have others protect Hush's body while he is away. Hush will return to his body in two to three weeks. His Hyper marks will start over again and his body will be renewed. During this time his butterflies(the souls that serve him) will gather around him to bring his soul back to his body. Hush will then bring the rains in a big mansoon back to the world again. Most new borns are born at this time. This is also the time Hush will also become fertile and can breed. He loses this ability after a year or two, which he is okay with. 

Hush has highen senses and can smell and locate Nillars, nightmare creatures and corrupted souls that invade the living and decay the world. Hush and Collins maintain these and keep the balance. Hush has a pouch that is located below his stomach, he has a second tube connecting his mouth to this pouch; he will eat and store the Nillars here. Hush can also use eacholocation using his hyper clicks. 

★ Hobbies:: He considers petting every soft animal a hobby; playing instruments like his cello or piano and sings songs

★ Skills:: Hush can play the cello and piano as well as sing and write songs

★ History:: Arthur was the oldest of three siblings in the Flicker family. During a rather stormy day while walking his younger brother and sister to karate class, he was struck by lightning and rushed to the hospital. He managed to recover but started to have server hallucinations and that's when the hyperism gene kicked in. After becoming hyperized, Arthur started going by the name of Hush Mouth, a nickname Collins gave him. He's been a hyper for about two years.  After being a HyperHush and a few other Hypers had gathered on the outskirts of a rundown town and lived with other hypers. During this time an Monarch Squad was dispatch to monitor the situation and locate a rogue Hyper that had been tormenting and eluding the Monarch Squads for months. One of the Monarch Squad members was Hush's cousin Collin, whom he had not seen for years now. Instantly recognizing him, Hush began to follow his cousin around despite the dangers. Collin had taken it upon himself to keep Hush safe from other Monarchs and rogue Hypers as well.

Hush begins to have hallusinations, visions of another world. Soon he and Collins are pulled into the Nightmare Realm by Chryssy, a serpent lady demon who tries to manipulate Hush under her control. Hush starts to loose his grip on reality, however Collins does his best to keep him sane. During this time Hush makes Havok from his insanity which makes Hush stablize out. With Havok's help Hush manages to fight off Chryssy's influence and awaken's a hiden power inside of him along with Collins. The two open a portal to another realm they stumble through that causes a ripple through space and time. This gathers the attention of the Ivory and they travel to Earph, the world that Hush and Collins fell into next. There they meet young Alt who befriends them and teaches two about this new world. Once they encounter the members of Ivory, Hush and Collins join up with them to begin learning who to control their new abilities. 

These days he spends most of his time wandering around the beach or near by jungle were they live currently. Hush works with Collins now hunting down Nillars or nightmare creatures that possess and corrupt people. Hush's highen senses allow him to track and locate these creatures. When working Hush will generally stay in a more primal state, behaving more animal like rather than human. He works alongside Sachin, an albino hyper Collins adopted sometime ago. The two bonded instandly and Hush acts as a big brother to the blind hyper. 

Hush later meets and becomes mates with Kaveh, also known as the Watcher. Further into the future Hush later becomes the God of Soul alsong side Collins, Kaveh and Sachin.

★ Bad Habits, or Specific Traits:: Likes to lick things, objects and people, to see what they taste like. Kind of a way he examines things. He doesn't seem to know the length of his body being even more lanky now so he is clumsy and knocks everything around him over. His attempts to amend the situation only causes more trouble. He also likes to run his nails on interesting surfaces, he likes the feeling of textures and the sounds, may ruin objects and leave scratch marks. 

★ Legend:: He thinks Hypers are humans who are trying to evolve. He used to be into Pokemon, still kind is I guess.

★ Theme Songs:: Electic Butterfly by Desastroes

★ Extra:: Hush is named after two meerkats from the Rascals Mob (I know I like meerkats too much) A female named Mouth and her brother Hush who sadly died as a pup. He's Canadian!