


7 years, 13 hours ago


Collins Hankson former Monarch, now caption of the Guard for Ivory. Hush's cousin


★ Name:: Collin Hankson

★ Nick Names:: Collins

★ Gender:: Male

★ Appears:: 25 - 27

★ Actual Age:: 24

★ Date of Birth:: August 14

★ Height:: 6'4''

★ Personality:: Mostly quiet and comes off as aloof at first but this is mostly because he is wary of new people, especially when it comes to Hush or Sachin's well being. It takes awhile for him to warm up to people. Naturally protective of others, he has a strong sense of morals; he is a defender of the weak. Collin isn't afraid to get in the middle of things to protect others or keep the peace. Suffers from self doutb that he is never enough, strong enough, good enough; he pushes himself to always do better. Not afraid to show his emotion, however he prefers to be left alone with his thoughts. He will only seek comfort from Hush when in a gloomy mood. Collins tries his best to treat everyone fairly and will call someone out when they do wrong. He himself is willing to change when he has done wrong and tries his best to learn from the situation to do better the next time, if it occurs. 

★ Preference:: Bisexual/Asexual

★ Relationship Status:: Single

★Detailed:: Currently Commander of the Royal Guard, though he treats his Captains as above him. The Guardian; protects the people of Rem and governs their lives and brings order. He is the Phoenix God and, like Kaveh, is actively involved in the mortals lives and doesn't hide his identity. The Guard serve under him. 

★ Hobbies:: Collins enjoys playing Magic the Gathering and Dungeons and Dragons. He also enjoys reading books, usually of fantasy variety.  

★ Skills:: Trained in hand to hand combat as well as how to use various weapons ranging from guns to his sword. Collins can play the guitar and knows a little bit of the drums 

★ History:: Born in a large family with seven sisters, Collins always had a sense of unity. He became tough because of his sisters and a protector. He went into a military life after high school, he joined the Monarchs. He went into recon, became quite good at locating hypers. Collins was very closed to his cousin Arthur "Hush" He was devastated after receiving the news that Hush had died by lightning strike. Two years later Collins learned his cousin was still alive, now living as a hyper. Collins kept his cousin safe from the Monarchs and cared for him. 

When Hush's hallucinations became worse and eventually pulled him into the Nightmare Realm, Collins fell in after him. He fought off the monsters and creatures including The Snake Lady. He was fatally injured which led to Hush snapping out of the Snake Lady's spell and allowed him to save Collins from the Nightmare Realm. Collins healed and came back to life, discovering his Soul Beast was a Phoenix.  The Two spend about a year learning about their new abilities and themselves. Eventually Collins would leave the Monarchs. 

The Monarchs and friends he made there left a heavy scar in him. For several months Collins carried this burden that he could have been so much more and all he did was do harm. The ideals of the Monarchs did not match up with his own and he found himself lost. Dante helped him heal a lot. 

★ Bad Habits, or Specific Traits:: 

★ Legend:: 

★ Theme Songs:: 

★ Extra:: Collins gets his last name from a male meerkat born in the Kung Fu Mob (I know I like meerkats too much) Originally his name was gonna be Caleb but morph to Collin.