Denver Washington




d5n2et3-27b246f0-fd68-456f-9f73-11468511Denver Washingtond5n2et3-27b246f0-fd68-456f-9f73-11468511

Standoffish | Crass | Calculating

What? What are you looking at?


d5wrcbq-fe6a3392-16b3-4728-a6aa-ea0ef629Denver is a main character in St. Agatha City, which you can download and play for free [here]!d5wrcbq-fe6a3392-16b3-4728-a6aa-ea0ef629


  • Name: Denver Leslie Washington
  • Nickname/s: Denny (derogatory), Snowhare (Pixy), Dee (Pixy)
  • Gender: Cis Male
  • Pronouns: He/him
  • Orientation: Heteromantic Heterosexual
  • Birthday: April 22nd
  • Voice: Tristanier

Denver is a character in my VN, St. Agatha City. He is voiced by Tristanier! If you have the time and inclination to do so, you can run into Denver (literally) at the local grocers - Interstellar Mart - and get to know him! The demo for St. Agatha City is free to download and play here!

Denver is a 22 year old college grad with few life plans, and a small friend group, seeming to only really hang out with Mindy Mindovitch, and nightmare fratboy Ross Rorkshed, though their antagonistic treatment towards each other makes it hard to consider them friends as much as rivals. He is known to be a conspiracy theorist (though it's unclear how much of  what he's saying he actually believes) and he lets few people close to him, though even less seem to want to approach him due to the Everything Else about him. He often seems to have a lot on his mind, and struggles to talk to others. It usually leads to the discomfort of those he has been forced to interact with, anyways - as Denver can be quite curt, and rude, seeming ready to push away anyone who approaches him.

Denver was born in raised in Boston, but moved to St. Agatha as a teenager. He has a much younger brother named Austin, though he isn’t close to anyone in his family, his brother included. He’s a surprisingly reclusive person despite his active social life, appearing at almost all of the local house parties, and seeming to know everyone, though that’s probably both through and because of Ross. No one really seems to know him, but they all know of him. And not in a particularly positive way, either… he's a bit of a loner, and though he'd swear it's by choice, it probably has something to do with his short fuse, resting bitch face, and terrible attitude about everything. Hell, even the go-getter Pixy has trouble with him. But, there is clearly more to Denver than meets the eye. It’s just a matter of getting it out of him.

Denver is clever and quick witted, and uses this to get under people’s skin as quickly as possible, despite rarely actually believing the meanspirited things he says.



  • Height: 5"11
  • Build: Thin and lanky
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Hair: Black
  • Dominant Hand: Right
  • Species: Human
  • Ethnicity: Mizrahi

Denver is lean and very lanky, causing him to look taller and more intimidating than he actually is. He has thick, sleek raven black hair, and icy blue eyes. There’s a coldness deep set into them, beyond their chilling color. His resting face is one of vague disdain, and it seems a scowl comes to him quicker than a smile. Denver has a distinctive, high cheek boned face, a prominent, slender nose, and pale skin. He's very pretty when he gets his act together, but otherwise his default expression of smug or annoyed is a bit off-putting. He’d look quite refined, if he didn’t have such a piss poor attitude. When he does happen to smile, it never reaches his eyes, which makes it look quite unnatural and chilling.

His voice is very nasal, loud, and on the higher end of the spectrum. He constantly tries to force it down, causing it to crack even worse. He has a thick Boston accent.

He is commonly seen wearing band tees, including the Smiths, Joy Division, The Mountain Goats, Mother Mother, and Wavves, ripped jeans, and beat up mahogany Converse. He never takes his shirt off, following an injury in high school caused by medical neglect that left a thick keloid scar on his abdomen. He even dropped out of swim team and switched to soccer to avoid showing it.

He looks quite a bit like (evil) John Linnell, actually, I found this out recently.



  • Occupation: NEET
  • Allegiance/s: It-Kid
  • Likes: Conspiracy theories, debate, sewing, Mindy Mindovitch, virtual pet games, horses.
  • Dislikes: Being shirtless, other people, touch without consent, Ross Rorkshed.
  • Social Butterfly Username: @Darkh0rse


Denver is not well liked by his peers. He is, however, close friends with Mindy (though it is debatably a toxic relationship, mostly due to poor communication, despite how much they trust each other) and he is often tailed by Ross, whom he hates, but Ross has not gotten this memo. He is not close with his family, as they are negligent at best towards him. Denver is extremely adversarial, which makes him difficult to get along with, but despite this, he has a potentially very close relationship with Pixy - the one person who seems to see any capability for betterment in Denver.

  • ??? - Mindy Mindovitch - Best Friend - ???
  • ??? - Ross Rorkshed - Childhood Friend - ???
  • ??? - Becca Washington - Mother - ???
  • ??? - Kenneth Washington - Father - ???
  • ??? - Austin Washington - Little Brother - ???
  • ??? - The No Name Girl - Second Cousin/Enemy - ???
  • ??? - Pixy Burrow - ...Crush - ???


Game Screenshots (Outdated >__<")


Denver is a love interest in my visual novel, St. Agatha City!

Extra, Extra~!!

dcg4pfz-948e358d-594c-4250-aa4a-0924180eDenver animatic by @audio-drama on tumblr <3


» [Now Playing: Snowhare] «
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✧ Hanover Hideaway // Nice Enough People ✧
✧ Your Graduation // Modern Baseball ✧
✧ Song Despite Apathy // Tiny Little Houses ✧
Stamp Collection


