

Tiana is an incredibly chill, friendly individual. She can be a little introverted at times, but only when around true strangers or in unfamiliar territory. Plus there are plenty times where she prefers solitude over company, whether that company is one person or several. She if often very transparent, doesn't keep many secrets, and values integrity. In the company of those she's comfortable with, she can also be a jokester, and charismatic. She's often known as the "mom friend", as she's good at overriding her own fears, anxiety, and pain in order to help her loved ones when they need it.

Unfortunately, she can also be a bit self-critical, or sometimes fail to practice what she preaches, though she wants to do so. She can also be prone to procrastination, but only in things that aren't that important; if it's something that needs to be done urgently or anything involving the Agency, she gets on it. She can also be a little impulsive at times, as well as jealous; but only over people, like close friends or whoever her partner is (depending on the universe).

Name Tiana Blackburn
Nickname(s) Tia, Sweet T, Little Bird, Talon, Falcon
Age 24+ (varies by universe)
Height 5'7"
Gender Female
Pronouns She/her
Species Hybrid/mutant
Nationality American
Orient. Heterosexual
Taken? Depends on the universe
Home [????????????]
Job Interdimensional agent/spy
Creator 0nix
Voice claim Scarlett Johansson
  • Coffee
  • Art
  • Cooking
  • Sushi
  • Sparring
  • Learning different languages and cultures
  • Gaming
  • Mockery of God/her beliefs
  • Hot weather
  • Smoking
  • Literally anyone who tries her best friend
  • Going too long without being productive
  • Tiana has a special ability called "Danger Sense" that allows her to detect when something is wrong or if she's in the presence of a genuine threat, kinda like the notorious Spidey Senses
  • In her free time, if Tiana isn't drawing, she's either training to keep herself sharp, or exploring other dimensions to learn more about them
  • She also enjoys visisting the cafe that her best friend Jay works at whenever she can
  • She has a medical condition she's dealt with since she was 4 years old that's basically her dimension's equivalent of Diabetes; before any physically demanding assignments, she always eats some kind of pastry or chocolates to keep her energy levels up, otherwise she starts to grow weak and can potentially pass out
  • Her native language is English, but she's also fluent in German, Japanese, Spanish, and is currently learning sign language
  • Loves a variety of music types, as long as it's clean and has no wicked subliminal messages
  • Her favorite types of games are First Person Shooters and Fighting Games
JayBest friend

Jay and Tia are practically like sisters. They both work wonderful together on missions and help each other tremendously when needed; both ladies have often helped each other get their heads on straight when they're discouraged or just generally not doing well in life. When they both have downtime they enjoy drawing, gaming, or watching anime together.


Tiana and Charlie share mutual interest in each other. Not in a romantic sense, but as growing friends who wanna know more about each other. They're pretty fond of each other, work great together on missions, and sometimes share a cup of coffee and food together at Jay's cafe.


These two enjoy one another's company, as Tiana is more on the mature side - at least around him - and always uses proper mannerisms with him. Tia greatly respects Patron not only as her boss, but as her friend. She doesn't know much about him just yet, but she takes interest in him and enjoys working for him in the Agency.

Artist Notes
  • Feel free to draw her with different hairstyles! Anything elegant is fine by me, just nothing too masculine like really short hair or buzz cuts, please.
  • You can draw her wings and eyes(the pupils and scaleras) different colors/shapes based on different birds, as she is capable of changing said things for camoflage purposes.


Code & Design Edits | Vom Base Design | Pankuu