
3 years, 2 months ago



Inkopolis Bay Nights

01 — Profile

Name Zale
Nicknames Z
Age 19
Gender She/her
Height 6'1
Birthdate December 7
Race Anemone
Oriet. Lesbian
Occupation Stock Clerk

Status Active
Designer @paperdragonflies
$ spent $15

  • Her hair cannnot change color

  • Her eyelashes are grey

  • Can wear anything alternative or grunge

  • Her skin is an unnatural pink!

  • She always looks a bit tired

  • The inside of her mouth is the same color as the pink of her hair

  • Can be drawn with any charger weapons
02 — Personality

Zale is very tough, but she has a heart of gold! People that don't know her are usually a bit intimidated, and sometimes even surprised by her appearance and loud presence despite her species. Those that know her know that she's the softest of any anemome around when it comes to matters of the heart. She's sensitive and caring, and incredibly passionate about the things she loves.

Zale has always wanted to play in turf war matches, but has never been able to due to her inability to produce ink, nor swim in it. She practices every day to get better at shooting after work, and has even been working on camouflage abilities to blend into environments! She's also come up with some pretty outlandish inventions, like boots that allow her to replicate a squid jump.

She does everything in her power to show people that she's nothing like the anemones people are used to- no, she wants to change how people view ALL anemones! They can hold their own, they can be strong, they don't even HAVE to house fish! She's determined to change the world, and feels all the more empowered since the octolings were able to seamlessly integrate into inkling culture.


  • Turf practice

  • Talia

  • Steak

  • Tea

  • Customer service

  • Having crushes

  • Broccoli

  • Gummies
03 — Background

Zale grew up as an only child living with both her parents. Her whole life, they pushed the idea of her being sweet, cute, and perfect for taking over the shop when she grew up one day. Over the years, she became more and more frustrated, and wanted nothing more than to be able to play in turf wars with all her Inkling friends. This all culminated into her blowing up at her parents one day, expressing all her grievances and distaste for living such an average life.

Much to her surprise, her parents were completely understanding and supportive of her wants, and only wished she had spoken up sooner. And with that, they allowed her more freedoms to figure herself and her life out, the three of them agreeing the shop would merely be a backup for her to fall back on should she need it. Ever since then, Zale has been working incredibly hard to prove she can do turf battles, studying and practicing whenever she has the free time.

She would often talk of all that she wanted to do with her best friend Talia, who was always nothing but supportive. She helped her draw blueprints for inventions like squid jump boots, and also simply lent an ear when Zale's doubts began to consume her. After the arrival of Velvet and Lottie, as well as years of practice under her belt, Zale decided she'd ask them if they would form a team with her.

Zale had it all laid out. She had a sheet full of anticipated questions and their answers, solutions to all the problems such as supplying her ink beforehand, and she was ready for her presentation. After finishing up Lottie's Inklish lessons for the day, Zale shared her proposal, which came as news even to Talia. Doubts started consuming her after she finished her proposal, but Talia was quick to wash them all away with her complete support. Were she not a strong anemone, Zale would've cried.

Ever since that day, the four of them make up a pretty ragtag turf team, but they manage to hold their own and have fun. Not to mention, Zale has certainly become a bit of an icon within anemone circles.

04 — Trivia

  • Zale has a huge crush on Talia, but will never say. She cherishes the friendship too much!

  • She really likes cheesy romance films

  • Zale is super muscular, and can lift things with ease!

  • Though she's not huge on sweets, she has a soft spot for peanut butter cups.
05 — Relationships


Talia is someone that Zale has a special place in her heart for. The two have been practically inseparable since they were kids, and still both enjoy each other's company immensely. It's Talia's support that allows Zale the confidence for achieving her dreams. Despite how well they get along, Zale has never been inside Talia's room to this day!

"Talia is an awesome friend! Bit of a goofball, though. Gal can run circles around me and then suddenly they're all vegged out on my bed for the rest of the afternoon! There are few things in this world that mean more to me than she does. Heh.. I just don't ever want that to change."


Their relationship is much like that of sisters! Zale sincerely considers Lottie to be like a long lost little sister, and wouldn't have it any other way. Though their backgrounds are very different, their appreciation for each other knows no bounds! Zale finds herself often teasing her, and being a bit nosy. But can anyone blame her when Lottie gets flustered so easily?

"Aw, Lottie's just the cutest! Can't say THAT to her face though, heh. She gets enough of that from Velvet! We share a room together, so it can get a bit cramped at times, but she's good company and has a pretty good sense for when I need some space! Gotta love her."


Velvet is a bit of an enigma to Zale. What she had initially thought to be cultural differences, quickly became apparent as just silly quirks once contrasted to Lottie. While Zale finds her incredibly silly, She also finds she has her own charm. Zale certainly understands how one could become an idol, what with a face like that.

"Ya know, I don't think I've ever seen anyone quite like Velvet! How someone can be both ridiculously airheaded, AND emotionally intelligent is beyond me! She gets lost around town a lot, and I always have to come to the rescue. Of course, I don't mind though. She's nice company."
