Cole Hayes



3 years, 1 month ago


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Mood: hungry
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"behold the world's worst accident"

19 years old
Missouri, USA/California, USA

Last login:


Status: still alive

Here for: the friends

Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

Occupation: bass player


Likes: scary dogs - dobermans, rottweilers, pitbulls; sludge metal; stuffed animals

Dislikes: swimming; being alone


  • birthday on Dec 3
  • knows a very limited amount of sign language
  • loves his stuffed wolf and carries it around almost everywhere
  • middle name is London


Cole plays bass for the Powder Puppies, and joined the band at around 16. He's Van's boyfriend, they live together in an apartment that only Van pays for since Cole can't get a job and doesn't earn any money. He's typically inside all day unless he goes out with the others in the band, who are pretty much his only friends at this point. He's very quiet and reserved most of the time but still prefers to hang around with other people rather than be alone.

Van Torres

Cole's boyfriend he met while in high school, who introduced Cole into the band. They met at a concert Cole got dragged to, and things developed very quickly from there. He's very manipulative and cruel, and treats Cole more like an object he owns than a partner and lover..

Johnny Cain

Cole initially knew Johnny as his boyfriend's best friend, but they ended up growing closer than anticipated after Cole joined their music project. Johnny is a little beacon of light in Cole's life, and he offers a safe refuge to forget all worries when they get together. Cole is sure he has a crush on him as well, but it's a horribly shameful thought to be attracted to your boyfriend's best friend.


Cole meets Devon shortly before breaking up with Van, and goes to live with him shortly after getting away. He's sort of a rebound for Cole, so it's still up in the air whether their relationship will last or not. Devon has his hopes and puts in all the effort he can, despite Cole's frustrating and difficult nature.
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Cole met Van when he was sixteen, and of course was instantly taken by this older guy who expressed so much more interest in him than anyone his age had. he had been playing music for a year or two at that time, and when Van introduced him to Johnny and they found out how good he could be as their bass player, Johnny quickly brought him on. Cole, who had been just a nobody who lived with only his grandma and his frequently absent father, felt like he was finally somebody and he meant something now, having found both a doting boyfriend and a group to belong to. He eventually ended up dropping out of high school and stayed with Van, who along with showering Cole with gifts and treating him like just as much of an adult as the others, also took it upon himself to take care of Cole in all aspects. that leads to Cole being treated as less like an adult as time goes on really as Van takes over any control Cole had on his own life. because Cole is now almost always doped up, scared, and confused, he not only doesn't have the capacity to turn this around but he really doesn't know if that's even the right option. over time Cole takes on childish behaviors or mannerisms he slips into either voluntarily or involuntarily just to try and shield himself from processing certain things with an adult mind or even just as a natural response to how he's treated sometimes.

Later on Cole manages to get out of Van's hold due to an incident that left Van in the hospital and left Cole to stay with Johnny for a time, during which he met up with Devon occasionally (who he first met just prior to the accident) and they ended up growing close. Devon eventually learns to help Cole around leaving the band and to start his own life, learn to drive, get a job, and just in general get back as much as he could that was taken from him at sixteen. it's a long and hard process for Cole to learn to trust again, but as he gradually learns to be his own person he gains more determination and manages to get through a lot of things simply out of spite. He cuts off all his hair a little while after escaping, partly to reclaim his bodily autonomy, partly to try and shed anything that made him look more childish or insecure.

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