Johnny Cain



3 years, 1 month ago


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Mood: curious
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"soft spoken with a broken jaw—I'll make it to the moon if I have to crawl"

~22 years old
Colorado, USA/California, USA

Last login:


Status: raw doggin this shit man

Here for: sharing the love for music

Zodiac sign: Gemini

Occupation: starving artist


Likes: yapping, the beach, LSD

Dislikes: cold weather, airplanes


  • middle name is Wolfgang. for funsies
  • partially Vietnamese on his mom's side. His dad is half Irish and half Navajo, but he's only learned this from old photographs and belongings
  • suffers paranoia and is sometimes overly defensive when asked questions about himself
  • also has ADD, but isn't aware and never got any diagnosis. He self-medicates (badly)


Johnny is the band's frontman, writes most of their songs, and typically plays piano/keyboard and occasionally guitar. he's been trying to create a successful band since he was in high school, and since Powder Puppies has been his greatest luck so far the most important thing to him is keeping the current group together. he does his best to keep a balance of feeding his appetite for adrenaline while still staying out of anything too dangerous (he doesn't necessarily succeed), and despite his sort of eccentric and asshole-ish impressions he also puts a lot of emphasis on trying to be a good person and treat everyone kindly. he cares a lot about being able to express himself and create things other people can connect to, but he occasionally loses sight of his love for art in favor of his desire for popularity.

Van Torres

Johnny has known Van since high school, and though they weren't friends back then, they finally got to know each other better after a chance meeting later in life. Van is genuinely a good friend to Johnny, always looking out for him when he knows Johnny's getting into trouble, and Johnny has learned to be able to trust him with a lot.

Cole Hayes

Cole and Johnny were introduced by Van when he brought the kid in to show Johnny what a great addition he would make to the band. Ever since they met, Johnny has seen Cole as a responsibility, like a younger brother figure or a kid he has to babysit, and is always checking up on him and spending time with him when he thinks Cole needs it.

Paul LaBelle

Johnny was just getting his feet off the ground with the Powder Puppies when he met Paul, and while they were just acquaintances who occasionally hooked up, Paul ended up getting more and more pushy and demanding as their relationship progressed. Johnny, being a peacemaker, went along with this for the most part--especially since he was getting generous sums of money out of it unasked.
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Johnny grew up with five younger siblings, all sisters, and his dad left pretty early on in his childhood so he ended up having to be something of a dad to them, being the only "man" in the house and often being left home alone with them as their mom was gone at work for long periods of time. between acting as a parent and having to get a job as soon as he was old enough to be able to help provide for his large family, he essentially had to give up his own childhood for them, which as much as he loves his sisters, will always be bitter about never being able to enjoy that youth the same as his friends did. at the same time, this also caused him to feel even more estranged from the few friends he had during that time, as he had to almost "grow up" faster than the rest of them and as a result had wildly different experiences that his friends just couldn't relate to, and couldn't relate to him. he ended up becoming somewhat friends with the adult men he worked with, who quickly (inadvertently) introduced him to many things he was much too young to be getting into, like drugs. with no true support under him throughout his childhood and teenage years, all these traumas and bad choices continued to fester inside and follow him through his adulthood too.

before the Powder Puppies, Johnny had a group called Hey Pluto, consisting of him and three others, Chase, Blue, and Barb(ara). Johnny knew Chase and Barb from school and thats when they started playing together, and they brought Blue on a little later when looking for a real guitarist (Johnny didnt cut it well enough on his own and obviously Chase couldnt play both guitar and bass at the same time). they were actually pretty successful as far as small bands go and after a while Johnny was feeling really optimistic about going real places with his friends until Blue's death, which sent Johnny into an awful spiral that went so sour he ended up uprooting a lot of his life and disappearing on the other two for a while. after getting back he intended on making amends and starting Hey Pluto back up again despite the pain the memories caused him, hoping it would bring him closer to Chase and Barb again like they had been before, but the damage was done and they had already fallen apart irreparably. during the time shortly before Blue died Johnny had crossed paths with Van again miraculously, and so after the collapse of Hey Pluto was when Johnny finally turned to him to start a new band, desperate to get back on his feet again and hopefully just leave the past untouched.

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