Kodiac Whitefang



3 years, 2 months ago


Name: Kodiac Whitefang
Nickname: Kodi (pronounced 'Cody')
Gender: Male
Species: Lucario (3/4) / Alolan Ninetales (1/4)
Height: 3'9" (1.14 m)
Weight: 117 lbs. (53 kg)
Birthday: December 21

Types: Fighting / Ice
Ability: Snow Cloak
Known Moves: Blizzard, Aurora Beam, Aura Sphere, Bone Rush

Likes: The cold, Ice types, meeting friendly Pokémon
Dislikes: Warm areas, most humans
Sexuality: Panromantic Bisexual
Home: A tall plateau-like glacier in the middle of nowhere

Nature: Hasty
Characteristic: Highly Persistent
Personality: Kodiac is polite and calm, but upfront with his thoughts and wears his emotions on his sleeve. He usually isolates himself from most of the other Pokémon on the glacier. In battle, he’ll fight to the finish, never really backing down from a challenge. Even if he’s wounded, he refuses to give up.

When he’s mega evolved, he’s a lot more violent, his fighting style becoming not too dissimilar to a rampaging beast thanks to the lack of control he has over his powers in that state. However, if Kodiac cares about someone, then he’ll still protect them with all he has.

Bio: Kodiac was born with a rare genetic mutation that let him inherit both his parents' abilities and attacks. The scientists that moved to the glacier to study his unique trait were unprepared for what was called the Everstorm; a swirling mass of energy and cold that occasionally swept across the plateau. This storm caused the reactor they were using for power and heat to explode, hitting the young Riolu with radiation and causing him to fall ill. Kodiac's parents, Lance and Snow, brought the near-dead Pokémon to the highest point on the iceberg and pleaded with Jirachi to save him. Granting their wish, Jirachi infused Kodiac’s body with a second spirit, one made of raw determination and strength, giving him the will he needed to survive this experience.

However, this action heavily drained and exhausted the Mythical Pokémon, and all too soon. Months later, his parents fell ill with the same affliction that had nearly killed the Riolu. Their last wish was for their son was for him to live on and survive. Since that day, he’s honored that wish, continuing his days on the plateau and often speaking with Jirachi, who he has since come to see as his parent, having been too young to remember the ones that left him. He's become a protector to the other Pokémon on the plateau, shooing away humans who wish to capture them, and often greets the rare visitors that manage to make their way up the cliffs.