Dust "Vee"



2 years, 11 months ago



Name: Dust "Vee" White
Age: 21
Gender: Nonbinary (he/they)
Birth Date: 10/25/00
Sexuality: Pansexual
GO Program Team: Instinct
Team Rank: Founder

Skill: Top Speed (Increases speed by 2 stages for 1 turn)
Legendary Link: Silver (Lugia)
Partner: Sakura (Espeon)

Personality: Dust used to be irresponsible and impatient, always wanting things as soon as possible. However, ever since his time in the forest, he’s grown to care deeply for Pokémon and nature, as well as just grow as a person in general. He’s always been gentle and soft-spoken, and more often than not lacking courage to stand up for himself. However, this turns completely on it’s head when he’s truly passionate about something, most often protecting the wild Pokémon from those he sees as “bad people”. He leaves the decision of joining his team to the wild Pokémon (with the one exception being the Lugia egg he protected from Team Rift), and regardless of what they choose, he’ll respect their decision. To him, protecting those he cares about is a cause worth paying dearly for.

Bio: Growing up, Dust was troubled, shy, and alone. He got good grades, he had his parents supporting him all the way, though nothing ever helped him feel content. He never felt the spark of joy or pride from anything. The only thing that he felt any connection to was Pokémon, and he made up his mind to become a trainer when he came of age. Though once he did turn 10, he ran off immediately after getting his license, forgetting to pick up his starter Cyndaquil from the lab.

For several days, he aimlessly wandered the forests surrounding his home, never really being able to find the path back. Eventually though, he met a small Eevee who, like him, appeared to be lost. This mutual understanding allowed the two to quickly form a connection and provided a foundation for their bond. She helped him to find food and shelter and helping whenever he was in trouble with the other wild Pokémon. One day, the two met a trainer, Sakura, and her Charmeleon, who had heard of the “Forest Guardian” and wanted to test his skill in a battle, and with a lot of effort, he and Eevee managed to pull through, deepening their bond and causing some of Dust’s dormant abilities to awaken, forming a proper Link with his partner.

Following the battle, he slowly began to interact with curious people that were interested in the stories about him, most notably were Allura Laurel with her Togepi, Felicity Jackson and her Kangaskhan, and Jaune Ether, Sakura’s brother, along with his Chikorita. 6 years after initially leaving into the forest, he heard of the GO Program. Coincidentally, he met all of the friends he had made over the years in Goldenrod City, all to sign up for the program. Dust and Allura became registered as Team Instinct Trainers, and had a friendly rivalry with the rest of the group.

However, things were not peaceful for long. Only a few months after signing up, trouble began stirring as stories of Team Rift, a team comprised of those that desire to use old Shadow Pokémon technology to conquer the world, began to circulate. Dust simply could not let them go uncontested, and with the aid of his four friends, they jointly founded Team Harmony, with Dust’s silver Lugia coin (and specifically the legend on the back of it) being the foundation of their mission: to bring harmony and balance back into the world, or more simply, destroy Team Rift and purify the Shadow Pokémon.

Their first major mission, specifically to aid Lugia in chasing off Team Rift, didn’t go too well. Team Harmony was unfortunately too slow to save them, but they did manage to protect their egg. The responsibility of primary caretaker of it was put onto Dust’s shoulders, given that helping raise a legendary Pokémon would require communication, and he was the only one that could talk to them.

Other: Dust has the ability to hear what Pokémon are saying and directly communicate with them. His family has roots in the region of Ransei, which may explain some of his unusual abilities, such as his once-per-day skill.

[ Headcanon Tag ]

Dust’s Pokémon:

  • ♀ Espeon – Sakura
  • ♂ Umbreon – Nightshade
  • ♂ Vaporeon – Rainer
  • ♀ Furret – Sena
  • ♀ Togetic – Azura
  • ♀ Vulpix – Molly
  • ♀ Flaaffy – Shara
  • ♂ Charmander – Crimson
  • ♂ Dragonite – Kairyu
  • ♀ (s) Oshawott – Maru
  • ○ Lugia – Silver