Admiral Noel Lumi Karppinen


Basic Info


Noel Lumi Karppinen

Name Meaning

Noel - A French name meaning "Christmas" often given to children during the Middle Ages who were born on that holiday, Lumi - A Finnish name meaning "Snow", Karppinen - A Finnish surname meaning "Carp"; Her name could literally translate to "Christmas Snow Carp" and I was mostly inspired by her design for her name. The colours made me think Christmas overall with snow white hair and the patterns of her clothing make me think of the scales on a carp fish, thus the reasoning behind her name


Admiral Noel Lumi Karppinen // Admiral Karppinen (The names Lumi and Karppinen were names she took up of her own accord as a way to hide her identity from the Deep Dragon who created her in Estaol. Her only true given name is "Noel" though no one questions her name since it comes off quite normal to most in Lato, only sounding slightly foreign but it does not draw any suspicion) // Der Teufelkapitän von Weimar" (Literally translated to "The Devil Captain of Weimar"; she earned this title for her ruthless nature in war and conflict and the fact that she has proven herself countless times on the battlefield to be a worthy soldier of her titles and ranks, a most dutiful and sinister figure that strikes fear into those who oppose her without any regrets)


Unknown (It is only known that she is older than the twins and Verkise but younger than Atalanta)


Androgynous/Female (She has the same dragon genes running through her as the twins and Atalanta, she didn't quite develop the bust that Atalanta has but most of her physical characteristics can be defined as female but with masculine qualities to include her vocal patterns; Regardless she has been considered of female sex but she has no preference of pronouns, often chuckling to herself when people refer to her with masculine pronouns, though most are unaware of her actual sex and she is treated as more of a man, which doesn't bother her one bit)




N/A (Handsome Oneesan Bifauxnen trait, prince theme?)


Lawful Evil/Neutral

Personality Highlights

Manipulative | Loyal (selectively to the strong) | Resourceful | Vengeful and Vindictive | Protective | Possessive | Prideful | Ruthless | Malicious | Rebellious (to a degree, she has a strict code much like Atalanta, but she follows only the rules she deems worthy of her attention) | Somewhat Kind (but only for show or if she is in a good mood) | Polite | Honest (but deceitful) | Dominant | Flirty (sometimes)


Former Assassin/Admiral of the Weimar Airship Fleet


Shadow Bane Inquisitor (Paladin - Oath of Vengence/Rogue - Assassin)


[Coming Soon]


Commanding officer of Cao, Baiyun (A Xuiling that she has taken as an assistant to meet her goals of practical world domination), Atalanta's younger sister and (possible) love interest, Parthrax's younger sister, and Theus and Pan's older sister

Acquired Through



Noel comes from the same lineage as her brothers and sisters who were created by the Deep Dragon of Estaol with the intentions of creating the perfect being. She had been made after the disappearance of her sister Atalanta as a means to track both her and the twins she had been assigned to track herself. Noel had no interest in the hunt for the other Aracalies however and went down her own path almost immediately after she had been released to perform her duties. It did not take her long to find work that catered to the skills she had been endowed with, but she sought for more and eventually her ambitions led her to experiment with some of her own unusual abilities given only to her species.

The webs that were created from those of her kind held a unique gift that only they could use if they so pleased. She found a way to tap into the portals that they created and found a way from Estaol to Lato through the use of her web by using it to entrap prey who had made many lies in their lifetime. Once she had enough strength to finally use the portal she would use it continuously as a way to visit her kin at later dates (knowing exactly where they were based on a sort of "connection" created from the blood that coursed through each of them allowing her to feel their presence; it had been a way for her to track down her targets from the Deep Dragon's creation) and a way to the new world she would be calling as her own home. The new lands she soon found to be called Lato was quite promising indeed. While at first she had to get used to the drastic change in climates, her adaptability left her with a swift and easy assimilation to the new world. She had been found out one day when travelling back to Estaol when the Deep Dragon had located her hiding place there and growled in rage of her disappearance. She explained to him quite simply that she wished to make a new land that would be acceptable for the Deep Dragon and their kindred to live in, and it was in fact no lie. While her goals might have seemed lofty, her tactics seemed quite sound. To overthrow the world from the inside out by the use of their own governments. She planned to take on a powerful role until one day she would be capable of using that force against them. With this knowledge in mind the Deep Dragon gave her his blessing to continue with her own plans and she gladly accepted the task.

Her return to Lato several months later resulted in a fully concentrated plan to join among the military there to which she excelled with a capable fighting experience. She was a prized asset to the government in no time with her adept assassination skills, but also her own physical prowess. It wasn't long before she took command of one of their most powerful nation's fleet of airships. Weimar was known for their airpower and with her named as their Admiral, all would be going according to plan...







🕷️ Her birthday is 18th of May~!