Kyra Jones





"It's such a lovely day, we should pocket the sunshine!"

name: Kyra Jones
nickname: Sissy
age: 14 years old
gender: Trans-Female, AMAB, She/Her
species: Duristelian fluffy dragon
orientation: Bisexual
height: 153cm, 5'0"
voice claim: Rikka Takanashi - LC&OD
birthday: April 19th, 2008
mbti: ESFP: Se>Fi>Te>Ni

Kyra has a Cherimoyan design and a human design that can be found in the tabs on the left!





  • raspberry sherbet
  • climbing trees
  • fast music
  • sad songs
  • dark purple
  • being ignored

  • Her wings are too small to fly.
  • Has two younger brothers, Korey and Kipper.
  • Fire powers when Cherimoyan.
Design Notes

  • 5'0" tall.
  • You can use either dark brown or grey for her hair colour (human form).
  • The bottoms of her wings and her tail have no spines.

Kyra has grey fur with a light red colour for her stomach, chest and inner-ears. Her eyes, paw-pads, tail and ear tufts are red. She has dark grey horns and spines at the top of her wings. She wears a grey, unzipped hoodie on top of a white cropped top, and wears a plaid blue skirt and knee-high white stockings.

Her human form has pale skin and wears the same clothing. Her hair is tied into a short upright ponytail with a strand of hair going down either side of her face. Her hair can be drawn either the same colour as her fur, or as a dark brown colour. Her eyes can also be either red or lightb brown.



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Current Story

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Caz Fleur friend

Kyra and Caz met through Lightning. They get along well, Kyra often looks out for Caz and they do the same for her. They like listening to music together, since Kyra has fluid tastes in music. They both LOVE baking together, even if Kyra stuffs up some measurements, they have fun together!

Ryesa Grace best friend

Ryesa and Kyra met not too long ago, but happened to immediately click. They both jam to music, go on walks together, watch shows they like, and just hang out in general. Ryesa and Kyra practice keytar together. Although Kyra can't play the keytar, she has some knowledge about the keyboard and helps Ryesa remember certain chords.

Rithu Fisa friend

Rithu and Kyra met through Caz, so usually all 3 of them hang out together. Kyra does like Rithu, despite her lack of time alone with them. They usually do bird watching with Caz, as well as some baking but Rithu usually just taste tests.

Atlas Evans best friend

Atlas and Kyra have been friends for a long time, even before Lightning met her and even before Kyra transitioned. They usually go bike riding together and go snooping through abandoned properties. They're both very adventurous, hence why they are best friends.

Lightning Paww best friend

Kyra and Lightning met through Atlas, because he wanted to introduce her to his "crush" at the time. Kyra and Lightning almost immediately clicked, and it was actually Lightning who helped Kyra realise she was a girl, too. The three usually go out bike riding and exploring.

Line Marsh friend

Kyra met Line in a field. Line was looking at moths hopping around the grass, and Kyra was curious. Eventually, they both starting catching moths and quickly became friends. They're both adventurous and playful, so they get along well.

Lenora Paww best friend

Lenora and Kyra met through Lightning and Caz, and they act almost as if they're in a queerplatonic relationship. They often compliment each other and are very swoony, however Kyra respects Lenora's disliking to touch, so they only really compliment. Kyra also helps Lenora out when he's upset.

Riddle Clark best friend

Kyra, like with Atlas, has been best friends with Riddle even before she transitioned, and have been best friends even after. Riddle would also participate in their bike rides, however didn't prefer to since he'd easily run out of breath and hold the others back. Unfortunately, they've slightly drifted apart yet there are no hard feelings.

Korey Jones brother

Kyra and Korey are siblings, and Kyra often has to look after him and Kipper when their parents are out. Fortunately for Kyra, this isn't stressful because she enjoys the time she spends with each of her brothers.

Kipper Jones brother

Kyra and Kipper are siblings, and Kyra often has to look after him and Korey when their parents are out. Fortunately for Kyra, this isn't stressful because she enjoys the time she spends with each of her brothers.