Mel'(anya) Smith



3 years, 2 months ago


Childhood: Mel'anya grew up being the only half-elf in a traditional nomadic elven tribe. This caused Mel'anya to be the outcast of the entire tribe. She spent her childhood on the edge, never accepted into friend groups, never properly taken care of by the elders. Much of her childhood was spent watching others, and trying her best to be likeable by others.
Mel'anya's tribe consisted of multiple families, all communally raised. They spent their time traveling different countries and communicating with the nature spirits, making sure everything is going well, and also keeping logs of which plants and animals reside where, often calling themselves 'environmental historians'
Because of the tribal nature of her families, they participate in arranged marriages. Mel'anya never thought much of having any sort of partners, no one even liked her, how could someone love her. But she knew being tied to one of her childhood bullies was not the key to happiness. It just so happens the town her tribe was trading with that week also had a circus visiting.
Adulthood: And with that, she knew what she had to do. She snuck away from her tribe on the last day visiting, with nothing but a bag with clothes, her wedding dress, and journal, and joined Burnabee's Menagerie and More! At first doing the shittiest (literally) jobs. Eventually she became a mime, and 'street performer' and then moving up into being a clown in the shows. Which was perfect at the start because when joining the circus, she couldn't even speak common!
Mel'anya soon became Mel (it's easier in common), and was taken under the wing of star actress, and fellow Elf, Alena. Alena helped Mel 'become human', and Mel.... fell madly in love. Sure there were parties and the brothel, but in the end after all the...ahem fun, that was had, Mel wanted to end her days with Alena.

Modern: Burnabee's troupe heard about the wonderful continent of Faradra and the city of Dayfall in Soliace, and how it was a beacon for artists and made their way across the ocean. Once arriving at the port city of Dista, the troupe discovered the grave news, Dayfall is nothing but ruins, and Soliace is nothing but walking corpses, already on their last leg, with that Burnabee's was no more. Some troupe members stayed in Dista, while most went back across the ocean. Mel, having no family, little skills, and few friends, figured she might as well stay here.
While in Dista, Mel lived a very ordinary, quiet life. She would wake up in her apartment filled with 4 strangers, go work 10 hours at a local pub, come back, and quickly pass out before doing it all over again. Her only freedom was keeping with her circus roots and doing comedy at a standup club once a month.

Adventuring: All of this was thrown on it's head when Mel started hearing music, and then, started seeing things, and then.....something, someone, set her house, and few belongings on fire, telling her a message, "Come Find Me"
Mel set off, leaving Dista, and entering Galt proper for the first time, following wherever the music took her. The music lead her through Gauldshyre where she met Claire Baker and then finally to the small town of Falcon's Rest, residing right next to the towering 100ft tall wall barricading the horrors of Soliace from the rest of Faradra. Except a crack in the wall seemed to be enough to overrun Falcon's Rest by death, she found a ghost of a child with a proposition, and a pact of -technically servitude, but mostly friendship was formed.

Book One Soliace:

After making the pact with Cynthia, Mel gets her powers, in exchange she needs to go into Soliace and discover what happened to cause Cynthia's demise.
Quickly after crossing the wall and entering Soliace, Mel fought 3 wolves who, once killed, merged into one creature, a 3 headed dog, who was the vessel of Cynthia's childhood pet dog. Lucky. Mel giving him the name Pocky now serves Mel as a companion. 

The trio walked into the night to make it to the first town in Soliace, Gothswaine. Gothswaine was seemingly a very ordinary small town of around 25 people. Upon entering the town, Mel witnessed a murder in town square, by a tall woman, in all black leathers, a black cloak, witch hunters hat, and a two handed sword. The townsfolk were very welcoming to Mel and warned her of the 'recent visitor' who caused a scene. The cloaked woman, warned Mel of the dangers of the town folk. Not knowing who to believe Mel decided to get to know the town, where she was met with hostility, in her 'helping' she discovered the townspeople worshipped an old god, Vekna; Who called for outsiders to be sacrificed. Now working with Big Sword Woman, they found and took down their temple, and priest, freeing the citizens of Gothswaine from Vekna's grasp, and being a small town hero. Mel and Hat Lady, now reveled to be Kris Von Jaegar during an after battle conversation, go their separate ways, (against Mel's wishes, Kris- turns out to be a very kind person) with Kris advising Mel to head for Dayfall, to check on a Paladin named Cole.

While making her way to Dayfall Mel was attacked by a dragon (which caused much distress because no one believed her dragons even existed anymore) before making it to the closest thing Soliace has to a city, Bridgewood. While in Bridgewood Mel learned about Kris' more known identity as "The Lady Slayer" a member of Nightwatch, a sort of spy organization meets country guard, along with some shopping.
The morning Mel was ready to set off and leave for Dayfall, Cynthia is missing. With the help of Pocky, Mel finds herself trapped inside a dungeon of a sort, where she quickly meets her demise by a pureblood yuan-ti, but because of the temple she was in, Mel was revived moments later with the help of Cynthia, who was trapped inside the temple. Putting the murder attempt aside, the Yuan-ti, Flen'danya, and Mel worked together to figure out how to leave. After going through many trials, puzzles, and revives Mel got the help from a couat'l to sever the connection Merrshaulk, a Yuan-ti god had on the temple. Merrshaulk was using the temple to gain powers from the souls in Soliace, to eventually destroy the country. Mel awoke in a flower field surrounded by the rubble of the temple, to Kris standing over her. In the midst of panic, concern and bickering Mel discovered that Flen is rescued Kris' adopted mom, who has been trapped in that temple for 15 years. After a day of celebration with Flen and Kris in Bridgewood, they parted ways once again, with Mel still making her way to Dayfall. 

While leaving Bridgewood Mel was offered a free carriage ride to Dayfall in exchange for protection of a woman and child-Dayfall residents. On the way from Bridgewood to Dayfall, their carriage was attacked by Soliace's main werewolf family, the Capellis. The carriage driver and mother were lost to the werewolves. Mel and the child-Tina, were only able to escape them because of the help of a large, all white werewolf.

After arriving in Dayfall, it quickly became home. With it's small and lively cast of characters. While in Dayfall, Mel had to unmark herself from being hunted by werewolves, and go cliff diving into the ruins of old Dayfall. While in the ruins, she found the manor of Icabod Craine, and helped a banshee move on. All the while searching for what happened to Cynthia. When suddenly.... a manor appeared. 

Mel very quickly made her way to the Lifebright Manor.

Book 2:

Mel is a half elf, half halfling (secret).  Built like a halfling, with wide nose, round face, 4'5" tall, weighing around 85 pounds, and having larger feet, hands, boobs and butt then her height should let her have. But has detailed features of an elf with the pointed ears and being hairless, pale, and freckled.
She has a short choppy ginger bob, bright green eyes, and a very expressive face, making it hard for her to lie, but also making her an entertaining story teller.

Mel has gained many scars during her years:

  • Faint hand scars from breaking glasses as a bartender
  • A split eyebrow from bashing her head on a rock after being chased by a dragon
  • Marks straight through the side of her neck, by being killed by Flen
  • 2 sets of jaw/teeth marks on her left shoulder from a werewolf battle outside of Dayfall
  • a slash across her right cheek caused by Fling (before he was bound to her)
  • A set of jaws on her stomach from a giant spider bite from inside Lifebright
  • A working clock face floating in her left palm, from being cursed by Arkaeus
  • An indented hole on the front and back of her right calf, from being stabbed through with a rapier
  • A horizontal scar above her bellybutton from Guard Captain Rick stabbing her during Bank Heist Escape
Mel is a Player Character. To view her character sheet, click here.