Beo Wolfgang



3 years, 1 month ago



  •  Beo 
  • "No matter what, you're still my family. I'll do whatever the fuck I have to in order to protect you all."


  •  Name   Beo Wolfgang 
  •  Nicknames   Beo-bro, Beo-bear 
  •  Age   21 
  •  Gender   Male 
  •  Species   human 
  •  Ethnicity   German 
  •  Residence   Afterlife House 
  •  Talent   Explosives Expert 
  •  Sexuality   Pansexual 
  •  Religion   NONE 

33982295_CTgIWtz6K8f2yt7.pngart by Ross <3

"I love you, Emi."


A list of songs I've compiled that i believe fit Beo and his vibe/story.

Family Tree

Its such a huge tree that keeps growing, so it comes in a downloadable file thats read only LMAO)


  •  MBTI   ENTJ-A 
  •  Alignment   Chaotic good 
  •  Brain Dominance   left 
  •  Emotion   calm, chaotic 
"I know I'm stupid. I know I'm loud and impulsive. So fuckin' what?."


Beo is loud, aggressive and explosive. Often he can be seen with a scowl donning his face, or a glare. He has a short temper, so when that fuse burns out, you better watch out. He can be quite loud too, often found yelling-- whether in anger, happiness or over excitement, doesn't matter. He's gonna yell.

He can also be very protective and affectionate of those he loves and those he deems worthy of his love and loyalty. Once he's your friend, it'll be hard to shake him off, unless you do something to hurt his friends/family or him. He's quick witted, and quick to draw a weapon on those he deems as a danger to others. But, sometimes his own memories can make him unstable, quick to anger and rather distant. If his PTSD is triggered, He'll usually hide away and try to calm himself down or just freeze up in place. 

He can be an asshole as well, not deviating away from insulting others playfully to tease them or in an aggressive manner. 

He's also a huge family man, his family is the most important thing to him, and people he will always feel comfortable around. He'll try his best to hang out with them and build deep bonds and connections-- especially with his children; Ruby and Bea. 

On the flipside, if you get on his shit-list, have fun getting any respect from him anyway. He can find the most stupid and petty reasons to hate someone-- such as with Rin Onsei. He hates the guy due to the fact he's loud, too hyper, and reminds him of his cousin Yannick. He hates Marx for rather justifiable reasons though, as he has been proven to snap on a dime and get violently aggressive. He hates Marx and tries to keep him away from his family-- even though he, too, is apart of his family, same with Rin.

Positive Traits

  • Protective
  • Loving
  • Quick thinker
  • Creative
  • Playful
  • Speaks his mind

Negative Traits

  • Aggressive
  • Can be too loud
  • Easily angered
  • Self destructive
  • Sometimes slow or dumb
  • Acts w/o thinking sometimes


  • good with weapons (small guns)
  • good with explosives(arming, disarming, building)
  • Dancing
  • Strong willed
  • Good runner
  • Excellent fighter


  • Self destructive
  • not very good at acrobatics
  • bad with decisions
  • his temper
  • Too quick to draw a weapon
  • Slow with new trends (mostly memes)


"Suck a dick."



  • Glocks, small guns
  • Kids
  • Flowers (mostly roses & Stargazer Lillies)
  • Movies
  • Cooking 
  • Spicy foods


  • Landmines
  • Killing Games
  • Mai Kitsunebi & Bao Shiza
  • Country music
  • Spider webs (hates cleaning them)
  • Tight spaces


  • Building bombs
  • Shooting at the firing range
  • Spending time with his kids and gf
  • Watchung movies
  • Learning new recipes


  • Landmines
  • Loud, sudden sounds
  • Needles
  • Children & family in danger 
  • Heavy drug usage (may relapse)
  • Hospitals 


"Not everything is easy, not everything is given to you on a silver platter. You have to earn it."


  •  Hair   blonde, long, messy
  •  Eyes   golden brown 
  •  Skin   pale
  •  Height   6'1" 



"Conrad, you have NO IDEA how hard life was after you died, and yet you still kept things from me and made things harder. Du verdammter idiot !"


Beo is a tall, muscular male with a slight tan. He is usually seen with a scowl or a rather annoyed look on his face whenever he is dealing with his work or those he doesn't fully know. His eyes are a bright golden brown, and his hair is blonde and rather long and messy. His bangs fall past his nose and swipe to his right cheek, while his hair almost completely covers his ears as well- hiding the fact that he has a small stud earring on his left ear lobe. 

He has scarring around his chest and some on his left upper arm. He is normally never seen without his signature brown and orange jacket, but whenever he's without it, he's normally just wearing a plain black or white t-shirt or tank top. He wears some rather long blue jeans that are tattered around the ankles, and some black sneakers or loafers. 

Whenever he's going out or to anything fancy, he's usually seen wearing a white or red shirt with a black tie and a black vest overtop, and black dress pants or blue jeans. 


Emiyo Yoshida: Significant Other

Emiyo and Beo met one another through their Killing Game, and grew close to one another after he was brought to life once more due to a motive. He shared his trauma with her, and listened to hers as well. He looks out for her and when she arrived in the Afterlife House, he helped her reunite with her son, Ruby. Their romance was a slow-burn, but they eventually did get together and now they live happily. Going on dates as well as spending time with one another and their children. He trusts Emiyo with his life and would protect her with his life. But, even he knows not to go too overboard with anything in fears of getting hit with the chankla.


Ruby Yoshida-Wolfgang: Son

Ruby and Beo met when Ruby first arrived to the Afterlife House. After finding out Ruby was a child, Beo was determined to adopt him. The two grew close after a long while and, after learning his last name and who his mother was, he helped Ruby and Emiyo reunite. For his birthday, he was given papers to help make Ruby his legal son as well. The two have a close bond, with Ruby driving Beo up a wall or the two spending time together goofing off. He loves his son and would do anything to help him whenever needed and to make him happy.


Bea Wolfgang: Daughter

Bea is the biological daughter of Beo and Emiyo, sharing traits the both of them have. Beo tries his best to keep an eye on her, as she's always running off. She's quiet and shy, and Beo keeps a close eye on this when doing anything with her so he doesn't overwhelm her. He adores his daughter and plays with her whenever she wants him to. She's his little princess, and he wants the world to damn well know it!





Beo grew up with his older brother Conrad and his parents Eliza and Barrett Wolfgang in the city of Grantville, Germany-- a rather war ridden city. As a result of the wars, the two boys were hardly allowed outside and when they were, they were under close watch. Conrad made sure Beo was safe and careful.

Growing up, Beo was rather shy and to himself, only really coming out of his shell when around Conrad or some of his cousins. At times, the family would sometimes head out to visit their other family in other cities, but would return to their home city soon after and hide in their shelter. Whenever hanging around his cousins, he would often stray away from his cousin Yannick due to the kid annoying him. He would often get teased and somewhat bullied by Yannick, which lead him to stray away from him-- it also didn't help that his cousin was overly hyper and Beo was not. 

However, in their home city when Beo was five, His parents went out for a little while, so Beo had an idea. For him and Conrad to sneak out and play outside. Conrad went along with it after some poking and prodding from Beo, and the two grabbed some nerf guns and headed outside to have a small nerf war. The farther they went out, the closer they moved to danger. Beo had lost a few of his nerf bullets during their little game, so Beo wandered into a small field to retrieve them-- but, he didn't know it was a landmine field and he was about to step on a poorly hidden one. Conrad, seeing this, pushed Beo out of the way before he landed on it and, before Beo's eyes, he watched as his brother died to the blast. Conrad died saving his little brother. Beo freaked out at this and tried to wake his brother up, begging for him to awaken, to come back, to go home. But, seeing he wasn't moving, he ran home to his parents. 

His parents didn't take the news lightly and the family mourned for a long time. Beo blamed himself for Conrad's death and fell into a small depression. 

However, at the age of 15, Beo's parents disappeared one day and... they didn't return. Beo assumed they were dead after being gone a week and began to freak out. Thinking the worst, he fled his home and ran off quickly. He didn't know or care where he was going and thus, he ended up in a small town nearby. He was entirely homeless, alone in he world with no job, nothing. He did his best to survive and while he was in the other town, he would pick up small bombs and teach himself to disarm and make them-- which gained the attention of a gang in that town. They hired the kid to make bombs for them and their terf wars and they paid Beo in food, shelter, drugs and alcohol.  Beo soon fell into a drug addiction and heavy alcohol usage to try and numb the pain he felt. after a few more years, at the age 18, he was scouted out as the Ultimate Explosives Expert and promptly thrown into a Killing Game.


Beo awoke in Aokigahara- the Suicide Forest along with many other people gathered together for a Killing Game. Beo ended up only surviving til the first motive was released. In this motive, a certain gas was leaked out through the vents whenever two or more people were in a room together. This gas contained pheromones-- and this lead to Beo sleeping with another guy in his game, and thus, he was killed soon after due to the guy, Leo Alastor, not wanting to face the fact that he had just slept with a guy while he is already in a relationship. He killed Beo in his sleep and was found out to be the blackened during his trial.

Beo, during the third chapter of his game, was brought back to life and ended up growing close to two people in his game in particular; Emiyo Yoshida, and Yoichi Kenshin. The three ended up surviving the game together and walking out free while the mastermind of the game; Aisling Yasashi died for her misdeeds.


Beo awoke in the Afterlife House, a place where all Killing Game participants end up eventually-- whether they're a Survivor, Mastermind, Blackened, or Victim. He just did his own thing for a little while, smoked, drank and was a general asshole. But, he did end up getting together with a girl named Tsubaki Ichikawa, in which the two of them hung out, smoked and so on. They ended up splitting up on mutual terms-- but it still hurt Beo deeply since he loved her and cared deeply about her. The two remained friends, but Beo kept his hurt hidden away and would drink to try and forget them. 

Months later was when Ruby Yoshida showed up in the house and the two met in the chatroom on their monopads. Beo found out he was just a kid and was determined to look after the kid, since there were still many dangers in the house and after awhile of the two bonding, they grew as close as a father and son, sharing a special familial bond with one another. While listening to Ruby talk, he heard of his last name and put two and two together. Back in his game, he listened to Emiyo open up about her past and about the son she had-- Ruby. Once the connection was made, Beo rushed off with Ruby to go reunite him with his mother. Beo remained in Ruby's life as a father figure, even being called "dad". Beo started to sober up, making himself go clean from alcohol and his drugs so he could better look after Ruby and Emiyo and be there for the two. He started to develop feelings for Emiyo as well, falling for her rather hard. After all, she was one of his best friends and they went back to their game, He trusted her with his life and everything, and he cares about her very deeply. 

One night, the parents rushed out to find Ruby, hurt and surrounded by flames, two other experiments, and Mai Kitsunebi. Beo and Emiyo were shocked to see this sight and instantly went in to save Ruby, only to have the ghoul twins, Marx and Kaden attack them while under Mai's control. Beo took the brunt of all the attacks and still sports many scars from then. They ended up saving Ruby, but ever since then, he's had a deep hatred for Marx and Kaden-- seeing them as nothing but a danger to his family. 

This is when Bao Shiza, Emiyo's ex husband and Ruby's biological father came to the house. He caused nothing but problems, targeting Emiyo and Ruby, but Beo didn't have any of it. One night while provoking Beo and tormenting Emiyo, Beo snapped and shot Bao, killing him. Due to him being severely overwhelmed and on the edge, when Ruby showed up, he accidently pointed his  gun at him, but instantly felt regret and put it away. Its something he still deeply regrets. Ever since Beo killed Bao, Beo has become even more of a target for Mai Kitsunebi. 

Disaster almost struck again months later when Ruby witnessed Marx violently attacking Kaden out his bedroom window, seeing him almost kill his own brother, Ruby rushed outside and ran to see if he could talk to Marx and see if there was something he could do-- but he was too late. Marx was gone and Ruby was soon kidnapped by Mai. Beo and Emiyo noticed his disappearance, and after seeing one of the ghouls outside, Beo assumed the worst and dashed out with Emiyo, and Yoichi. He confronted the weak ghoul and his girlfriend, Yasu, and made Kaden lead him to Mai's lab to save Ruby. Unknown to him, Ruby had already escaped alongside his uncle Conrad-- who was just brought back to life. When Beo saw Conrad, he couldn't believe his eyes, but was thankful anyway. He caught up with him. a little while after, Beo and Emiyo got together-- after a full year of Beo pining after her, they became official.

During a Christmas event where everyone got an item for one other person, Beo got an item that would kill Mai for good. He got Yoichi and ran out with him and they teamed to kill Mai, ending her reign of terror for good. 

Now, Beo and Emiyo live in the house peacefully with their kids, Ruby and Bea, going on dates and spending time with one another and with the rest of their family in the house. 



profile html by hukiolukio