Crystal Clear



3 years, 2 months ago



Name Crystal Clear
Nicknames Violet
Age 15
Gender female
Race unicorn
Love Interest n/a
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Theme Arcade

Daughter of Princess Cadence and Maud Pie, Crystal Clear is a stoic unicorn that excels in making rock statues crystals. She lives with Maud and Mudbriar in their crystal cave, although she does visit Cadence in the Crystal Empire sometimes.


  • cats
  • fantasy stories
  • Maud
  • winter


  • visiting Cadence
  • summertime
  • cooking
  • caramel


Crystal prefers to reside with Maud and her husband in Ponyville. Sometimes she feels bad for rarely visiting Cadence since she only goes to the Crystal empire once or twice a year and only stays for 3 days at max. She doesn't hate Cadence, Crystal just finds being there very overwhelming. Flurry tends to talk her to death, not even letting her get a word in to add to the conversation. She also feels pressured to act more royal and princess-like when she's there, even though Cadence knows she wouldn't fit the role and therefore wouldn't give her the title and added stress of a princess.


As a baby, Maud and Cadence both decided it would be best for Crystal to stay at the Crystal Empire. That way, she would grow up with her big sister, Flurry, and be around plenty of crystal ponies who were dying to meet Cadence's new baby. Crystal had her very own Crystalling in the empire, and Cadence mostly took care of her for the first few years of her life since Maud was often on rock-related trips. As Crystal grew older, she was able to express her feelings about staying at the Crystal Empire and how she didn't like it. She felt left out not favouring Cadence for one thing, as Cadence's other children usually had what other crystal ponies called "Cadence curls" and a shade of turquoise hooves. She also wasn't an alicorn, and was more interested in Maud's work with rocks anyway. At first she was jealous because she wondered why Maud was away so much, but as she got older and got to go on less dangerous trips with her, she began to have an appreciate for rocks and the earth.

Everyday Life

Crystal is often in her room reading fantasy books, going on trips with Maud, or just going on walks to find different types of rocks. Sometimes, after some urging from Maud, she'll go visit Cadence, Flurry, and Shining in the empire, usually feeling guilty for not having been to see them for long. Crystal would rather they come to Ponyville to see her, but the trio are usually busying taking care of their kingdom.



Maud Pie [ mom ]

Loves being around her, she feels like Maud understands her more since both have the same indifferent attitudes. Maud is very good at reading Crystal's emotions, and she notices all the little tells she has when Crystal feels a certain way. they're very subtle, and most ponies, including Cadence, can't even pick up on it. The only other pony capable of reading Crystal are Pinkie. Maud helped her find her own pet rock who they named Sadie, short for Sedimentary.


Cadence [ mom ]

Cadence loves Crystal with all her heart, as she does with all her family. When Crystal was younger, Cadence would often tell her tales about dragons and knights, or whatever fantasy story would help Crystal Clear go to sleep. Cadence can be a bit pushy trying to get Crystal to show her emotions more, which can make Crystal close herself off more. Cadence gave her a pet golden retriever whose name is Pebbles.


Flurry Heart [ older sister ]

Flurry loves being around Crystal and, like Cadence, is prone to babying her. She doesn't see Crystal often since she's usually stuck at the empire taking care of her princess duties. When she does come to visit, it makes Flurry so excited! She loves telling her about everything going on in the empire, along with trying to give Crystal Clear makeovers! Flurry misses Crystal and is lonely at the empire, but she doesn't realize she's sort of chasing Crystal away with her eager and overbearing attitude.


Royal Ruckus [ older sister ]

Royal loves her company! Doesn't really understand Crystal's emotions, but thinks she's fun to be around nonetheless! She often gossips to her, and Crystal doesn't mind because Regal actually lets her get a word in and respond.

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