Basic Info






Aethra is a fairy with holographic/iridescent hair. She's currently living in a human city, disguised as a human, like her friend Zahra.  She is curious and good with magic, but impatient and a bit of a whiner at times.  It's very rare to see her with her hair down, whether or not she's disguised, but it's more likely if she's not disguised. The 'jewels' on her face are actually fairy acne scars.


-sparkly, shiny, or holographic things


-bright pink

-being able to fly

-fancy outfits

-upbeat music


-when others call her childish

-repetitive noises

-having to keep her interests hidden

-not being allowed to fly

-pretending to be a human

-wearing dark colors

From here:

-She has a strange fondness for dragonflies, damselflies, and their nymphs. Even though their larval forms can be a bit... terrifying, she thinks they all have a strange beauty to them.

-She thinks airplanes are quite funny and she thinks it doesn't make much sense that these massive things can fly. She understands that it makes sense in physics and math and such, but have you ever actually watched an airplane take off? She thinks that doesn't make any sense at all and it seems unreal to her. Humans are quite odd, really...

From here:

-Aethra doesn't like having to hide, and resents situations where she has to act human. Sometimes she doesn't put much effort into her disguise at all, and finds it amusing how far humans will go to dismiss the supernatural. She even tests this theory when she's feeling bold, and will experiment with how much she can get away with by simply denying it happened. What do you mean you saw wings under her shirt? Are you sure you're feeling alright? She can be fairly cunning when she wants to be, and although her intentions aren't malicious, she isn't above messing with humans for her own amusement. 

-She smells like perfume, more specifically a sweet, vanilla-cream scent. (From here)