Alexas Kirkland



6 years, 10 months ago



This article may be incomplete

Princess Alexas of Endora
NameCrowned Princess Alexas Marie Kirkland
Physical Description
SpeciesEndorian Anamagi
GenderGenderless (she/her)
Eye colorGrey
Hair colornaturally pink (bleached white)
Personal Information
FamilySerephina (Mother) , Asmund (son), Fione (Daughter) , Severa (wife) , Suzuki (wife) , Jacob (little brother)
EnemiesRusso Family
OccupationGoverning Endora
PositionPrincess/Future Queen
Voice Actor

[[LINK EXAMPLE]] Alexas Mare Kirkland is a character that is a part of the 'Endorian Project'. She was created through an different setting roleplay back in late 2013 and is now being revamped into a new setting with a fresher concept.



Alexas is a Olive skinned Girl with grey eyes and long Pinkish white hair. She was originally born with hot pink hair but the hair gradually bleached itself out over the span of the 412 years shes been alive. She is initially 5'6 in height and weighs about 130 lbs. She wears the traditional royal attire for a princess, but prefers to wear human clothing whenever possible, as her princess clothing is akin to a gamer's fantasy girl with the sexy bikini and see through gauze fabric. She tends to wear baggy graphic tees and short shorts to showcase her boots. She loves her boots....


She is essentially a sarcastic ball of energy. whenever theres work to be done, she doesn't wait to see the consequences of procrastination. Shes a hard working go getter and has been that way all of her life. Her subjects look up to her as a princess mostly because the royalty of the past had been sterotyped as lazy rich assholes who sit around being waited on by servants the whole day. Alexas, however, beleives in serving the people and is known as very kind towards the citizens of her planet as well as the humans of earth. She is also known to be opertunistic towards goal completing situations and is super ambitious towards the future. Her family knows her to also be super family oriented and very maternal just like her own mother, serephina, was in the past. On the flip side, Alexas can also be known to be a little bossy and too straight forward, which makes it hard for some people to stand working alongside her.


Alexas was born on the planet earth after her mother, Serephina Marie Kirkland, and family escaped Endora during a citizen's revolution and uprising over the government. Being on earth and growing up in a different atmophere, Alexas grew up like a normal human child in a normal earth timespan, the only difference was her hair color being hot pink and unnatural to the earth's population. In her early years, Alexas was teased for her hair color and consistently bullied by the other children, their parents only blaming her mother for 'dying' alexas' hair in the first place. Eventually Serephina resided to dying her hair a 'natural human color' which turned out to be a dark brown. The bullying stopped for a while and she continued to dye her hair, but she was still considered weird and was pretty much alone most of her time in public schooling. While her mom worked nights as a singer in a local bar, she was often taken care of by her Aunt Saniya, who lived in a mansion surrounded by a vineyard and was very well off in wealth. However Saniya was super neglectful towards her neice, and made the working staff on the vineyard watch after little Alexas during the night. When Alexas went into middle school, she was kidnapped on her way back home from the bus stop by three human men who wanted to secrete randsom money from the family's fortion. They kept her underground for close to three years feeding her scraps and sending anonymous letter to the family. When Saniya refused to comply, the men then decided to try to kill her, out of fear that she would run to the police and jail them. Out of panic and fear, she let out a loud howl and she discovered her 'Phoenix light' ability that sliced through her attackers almost instantly like a mystical blade of etheral fire. The only survivor in the house she was held in was a boy who managed to escape before she ever saw him. She made her way to the police, covered in her attacker's blood and her skin pale from being in the dark for three years. She gained ptsd from the traumatic experience and refuses to talk about it to this day, not even telling her own mother what happened. She didnt learn until highschool that there was anything inhuman about her. Her mother informed her on her 18th birthday of her origins on Endora and her connections to the planet.


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  • No deserunt invenire vel, ad usu augue suscipit hendrerit, laoreet deserunt pri ad. Graece fastidii vim an. Mentitum omnesque vim ut, debitis offendit vel in, ea etiam maiorum appareat pri. Eu vocent tibique his, causae salutatus mei cu. Ad dicta labore vel, ius vocent debitis reprimique ei, pri dicat commodo delicata ad. Te oblique liberavisse vim, te eius erat necessitatibus nam.
  • Ut habeo scaevola inciderint eum, at illud minim eruditi mei. Ne clita pericula euripidis mel, no nec paulo omnium. An aperiam nusquam commune nam, eos probatus expetendis philosophia ei. Tale minimum iracundia mea ad. Purto wisi id mei.
  • Mazim aeque meliore cum ne, ea sit stet delectus, mei eu laboramus mediocritatem. Ea nec populo adolescens abhorreant, ex alii autem decore nam, tota clita et duo. Ius atomorum necessitatibus in, usu posse voluptaria signiferumque et. Voluptua vituperatoribus qui ne, eum porro libris eu, sed ne dico atqui qualisque..
  • Mei in soluta intellegam, has habemus intellegat instructior no. Tota iriure ad pro. Appareat tractatos vel ea, qui unum sensibus in. Atomorum elaboraret qui ne, cu est elit habeo, saepe sapientem has te.
  • TBA


  • No deserunt invenire vel, ad usu augue suscipit hendrerit, laoreet deserunt pri ad. Graece fastidii vim an. Mentitum omnesque vim ut, debitis offendit vel in, ea etiam maiorum appareat pri. Eu vocent tibique his, causae salutatus mei cu. Ad dicta labore vel, ius vocent debitis reprimique ei, pri dicat commodo delicata ad. Te oblique liberavisse vim, te eius erat necessitatibus nam.
  • Ut habeo scaevola inciderint eum, at illud minim eruditi mei. Ne clita pericula euripidis mel, no nec paulo omnium. An aperiam nusquam commune nam, eos probatus expetendis philosophia ei. Tale minimum iracundia mea ad. Purto wisi id mei.
  • Mazim aeque meliore cum ne, ea sit stet delectus, mei eu laboramus mediocritatem. Ea nec populo adolescens abhorreant, ex alii autem decore nam, tota clita et duo. Ius atomorum necessitatibus in, usu posse voluptaria signiferumque et. Voluptua vituperatoribus qui ne, eum porro libris eu, sed ne dico atqui qualisque..
  • Mei in soluta intellegam, has habemus intellegat instructior no. Tota iriure ad pro. Appareat tractatos vel ea, qui unum sensibus in. Atomorum elaboraret qui ne, cu est elit habeo, saepe sapientem has te.
  • TBA

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