Lucky & Chance



3 years, 14 days ago


Full name: Lucky and Chance

Nickname: Bro (from Lucky, for Chance), Sib (from Chance, for Lucky)

Species: Sphinx

Gender (Lucky): Nonbinary (They/Them)

Gender (Chance): Male (He/Him)

Sexuality: Asexual

Birthday: June 17th

Age: Adult

Born with two heads, Lucky and Chance have since their days of young considered each other siblings and thanks to their meshing personalities they get along just swell. They rarely quarrel and mostly share similar opinions, though they are not exactly the same. As part of their role as a sphinx they keep an eye on the entrance to the valley, making sure only the "worthy" enter or leave. However they are rather lax about their quote on quote job, mainly using it as an opportunity to mess with people, letting whomever pass so long they got some entertainment out of it. They are both quite tricksy and like to wear shades, tho the two never wear the same shades, wanting to make it clear that they are in fact different from one another.