


6 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info





sexuality / romantic orientation

homosexual, homoromantic

relationship status

taken by marquis (owned by




marcell always has his goggles around his neck as a momento from the war he fought in. due to a family history of genetic mutations being present, his tail only has very fine hair on it and 'anntenae' grew out of his head (it's really a mutation of more strands of vertebrae that developed on his head). he has a little scar on both of his pawpads from special devices being placed into his paws, and the hooves on his back feet are an inherited trait from his mother.


EXTREMELY shy. very tired most of the time (not because of lack of sleep, he's just a kinda sleepy guy). he doesn't like seeing or hearing others being unhappy and will try to help in any way. he is a bit of a pushover and doesn't like talking back for fear of hurting someone's feelings. he hates starting off a conversation, but he will warm up to people after a while.


when he was born, he looked normal enough; no extra limbs, no lack of limbs, no deformities, etc. just two little bumps on his head. however, as he began to grow up, changes began to grow. those bumps began to grow longer and longer until they were around a foot long. he could move them easily, almost like two extra tails on his forehead. they didn't hold him back. his life as he knew it changed when he was 18 when a war began and he was drafted. at first, he was trained as a soldier, but the chief discovered he was too shaky and weak to even hold his gun straight. however, the chief needed more soldiers, so they tried something else. marcell had little 'lighters' put into his paw through a small incision, allowing him to eject flames from his paws. however, harcell was still too scared to fight like that. the chief let marcell be in the air force. as soon as he began flying, he was ecstatic. he loved the feeling of being in the air and being in complete control. during his first battle, he was gunned down. his plane crashed right on top of his leg. His leg was amputated and he gradually recovered. he was pardoned from the army and got to go home to his family. he always kept the goggles he was given as a memory of what got him into flying.


notes :

he can be drawn as feral or anthro

he has a full army pilot outfit, but he isn't always wearing it

when drawn as anthro, he often has a wooden prosthetic in place of his missing calf (or he uses a crutch)