
6 years, 11 months ago



Female - (She/Her) - Asexual
(Fire In Finish)


     Antaa was born in the kingdom of Heighsworth a far-off kingdom away from the Eventide and Lambent Kingdoms, however still was a trader amongst the other kingdoms. From a young age, she found herself developing the ability of Fire, noticing she never felt the warmth of her mother and father's fireplace, and she could plainly set a match alight when she grew angry or upset. Keeping this quiet Antaa developed her skills in her room, setting things alight with her paws and controlling her abilities not knowing if people would accept her for who she was, Magic was outlawed, frowned upon, and even feared by many kingdoms as many who did have powers were known as outlaws and where killed, knowing they were a threat to many other kingdoms. 

However, the secret was not hidden for long, turning her teenage years Antaa opened up about her fire abilities to some close friends who she'd known for ages. Shocked by the sudden realization her friends reported her out to the king as a threat. Separated from her home, her family, and everything she had ever known, she was banished from the kingdom. Told if she were to return she would be killed on sight. With the Betrayal of her friends and family for not defending her, she grew a hatred for the kingdom. Leaving through the forest and heading towards the mountains where she would stay and grow her powers, and one day come and burn the kingdom to the ground. 

 15465231_wMOiWfRKnFeMGtZ.png  Stumbling into a cave during a long journey, the rain bashing down on her fur she spits out some branches she had picked up on her way up the mountain, drying them out and setting up a fire for the warmth for the night, she unexpectedly had fallen upon Leu's Domain. Leu wanting to defend his territory pinned her to the wall with his parasitic knives, she managed to burn her way out of and after a small scuffle Antaa saw that, the two had both been outcasted from their own kingdoms. Leu was much older than she was however and they made a pact to seek revenge on the kingdoms that tossed out the blessed and powerful beings, and to anyone who thought lesser of them. THEY should be ruling the kingdoms, the ones with the special abilities, and from then on they grew in power to have revenge on those who wronged them. Her comfort item being a scarf that Leu gave her as their one year of living together and representing the trust between them.

Antaa's greatest weakness is Water, while it doesn't directly hurt her, she isn't able to use her fire abilities when it's raining. The heat is within her and the use of gasoline and other flammable agents usually assists in her fire spreading abilities. She is able to use her fire to Sauter wounds as well as create tight rings around her tail and paws that she can tighten and loosen at will. 

She still has claws that can turn white-hot with her internal heat and can also be used to fight when it's raining, it just takes up a lot of energy. After long use of her abilities, she can grow tired and weak, however, due to the many years of training her abilities, she can keep it up for very long amounts of time.

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