Reft Kingdoms

The Kingdom was once a happy place, ruled by a king of light and wonder, His wife though pleasant to the public had quite a cruel underbelly. Whenever the parents weren't in front of the thousands they looked after, they were raising there two sons. Louis, the oldest was looked after by his dear mother who expected much of him. However, her standard was too high, and once Louis became king his unhealthy raising ended up backfiring around the kingdom. His brother upset by the ruin the kingdom was in, decided that it was best for the kingdom to be split into two, the EvenTide Kingdom, and the Lambent Kingdom. The Lambent Kingdom was taken over by another family as the brother did not feel confident in his abilities as a leader and his father had taught him that there were other things outside of the walls of the kingdom that could bring him joy. So he set off on his journey leaving Louis alone and broken as the kingdom started to fall more and more into ruin.

Louis soon caught word that his brother, Atticus, had now crossed the wall that separated the two kingdoms and had fallen in love with Princess Charlotte, who was to become the queen of the Lambent Kingdom. Furious that he could not only leave his brother but also betray him by living in this other kingdom he sent out two assassins to kidnap Atticus and bring him home so he can take control of the kingdom and hopefully save the few people they had left. People had begun leaving the kingdom because of the dying crops and how the sun never seemed to come out from the dark thunderclouds that surrounded the kingdom. After the plan of Assassins had failed and Atticus escaped with Charlotte Louis decided it was his job to do it himself, so he left in search of them.

He came upon a small hut where a creature called a Guardian was keeping them shelter for the night and Louis threatened Atticus to come home. Atticus refused and told Louis that he did not wish to be apart of the corrupt kingdom that he had built and told him it was time to let it go and maybe even start a new life at the Lambent Kingdom with Him and Charlotte, because of his rejected childhood Louis selfishly decided he would take Charlotte's life so he wouldn't have any reason to leave the EvenTide kingdom but mistakenly Stabbed Atticus instead. Heartbroken, Charlotte vowed he would avenge Atticus' life and one day bring Louis to death.

Years went by and Louis' Kingdom only worsened, he couldn't sleep anymore and was terrified of the nightmares that he would witness of him stabbing his own brother he had cared about so deeply. A Letter arrived, Charlotte had been put into power. A Challenge for war. Louis excepted and on the battlefield, was decapitated by Charlotte, the crown displayed in the halls of the Lambent Kingdom as a tribute to who should have been the rightful king. Atticus.