⛈️Jack Inferno⛈️



3 years, 24 days ago



  • big hearted
  • a bit oblivious in social situations
  • intelligent
  • uses humor to cope


HUMAN NAME Jack Fenton
SPECIES half-ghost
AGE ~40
ORIENTATION heteroromantic ace
Who is He?

Jack is an alternate universe version of Jack Fenton from Danny Phantom. He is a half-ghost from an alternate universe (relative to Danny Phantom's universe) in which he and Vlad essentially switched places.

His powers consist of the standard ghost powers (flight, invisibility, intangibility, ghost rays, ghost shield, overshadowing, etc), ghost sense, enhanced strength, healing factor, increased agility, minor ectoplasmic energy manipulation (rays, shields, orbs, etc), minor abilities to influence and charge ghost inventions, duplication, creating ghost portals, and control over weather and natural disasters. He has green ghost energy.

About Unique Powers

One of his unique powers is control over weather, with which he can affect the weather around him which is largely connected to his emotions, though he has some intentional control over it as well. This could be as small as some clouds forming or thunder rolling in the distance, or causing a full fledged thunder or snowstorm. Some setbacks are that it's sometimes uncontrollable and could be destructive to his surroundings. Also if it’s large scale it is no small feat and takes up a lot of energy/willpower.

Another unique power, and probably the most impressive, is causing natural disasters. He can create/cause tornados, avalanches, forest fires, geysers, or other natural disasters to happen similarly to the weather powers, strongly connected to emotions. However this is very likely destructive to surroundings so he doesn’t use this much, especially if there are civilians or unoffending ghosts around, and it also takes up a lot of energy. The origin of developing this power was when he once ended up in a forest in the human world after going through an accidental portal, and since he was feeling overwhelmed by his quickly developing powers as well as his self disconnect after becoming a ghost, he accidentally created a forest fire there and was unable to put it out before he escaped from the scene.

After a few more incidents with other disasters happening, he reluctantly confirmed to himself that it really was him causing these things. As can be imagined this had a huge negative effect on his sense of self and he viewed it as nothing other than a burden for years. This is meant to be an example of how great power can be extremely destructive in the wrong hands. And maybe the true indicator that one is worthy of such power is a sense of responsibility and determination to control it, which he eventually developed in his mindset. This power is also the origin of his chosen name. He still has his troubles with his fear of hurting others, but now he chooses to embrace it and realizes that the most he can ever do is his best.

His last unique power is creating portals to the Ghost Zone. He can make a portal from the human world to the GZ or vice versa. However he can’t control where it will open by will in either case, as the dimensions are connected in complicated ways. He knows a lot of the nearby ghost zone layout though so it’s not too big of an issue. And often connected locations correspond pretty consistantly. Even if he dosen’t know exactly where it leads to, it's useful for a quick escape. Also sometimes when he subconciously wishes to be somewhere else, ghost portals pop up nearby unintentionally. This can be a neutral or bad thing depending on where he is.

The bottom left image of the Ghost Zone is made by Bejuled on Deviantart .


As stated in the About tab, Jack is a half-ghost in an alternate universe to Danny Phantom. In this universe, Vlad Masters and Maddie Fenton (Masters) are married and Jack is a half-ghost instead of Vlad, and Ceci (Vlad and Maddie's firstborn daughter) becomes a half ghost instead of Danny. Jack lives in Amity Park while the Masters family lives in a town called Peace Valley in Wisconsin.

The Accident

After his accident in college, he slowly lost touch with his two former friends and was in the hospital for months with “ecto-acne” with no clear cure, until one day it manifested into his ghost form and “miraculously” disappeared. Being the first ever half-ghost, he had no idea what he was at first and was half fascinated and half terrified with what he had become. Despite being fairly extroverted, he closed himself off from his family and friends as he figured it out on his own.

Despite having changed a lot because of this, he still has a lot of his canon qualities, though he is less optimistic, talkative, and carefree than before. He still loves inventing new things, though he doesn’t invent much that's ghost-related anymore. Even after he meets some less-than-friendly ghosts, he realizes how wrong he had been about them, so he can’t bring himself to fight them or anyone else. He’s a pacifist except in extreme cases like self defense when there’s no way to escape, or for the greater good of the world as a whole (ex: Pariah Dark).

His World

Much like the canon universe, Amity Park (as well as Peace Valley) has a close connection to the Ghost Zone so a lot of ectoplasmic energy seeps through between the dimensions. More natural portals open there than other places, and as a result there are many more ghost sightings. However Jack isn't seen as much of a threat by many ghosts so he is more often than not left alone. He has some friendships with ghosts, however, like Technus and Ghost Writer and others, mostly because of Jack's interest in science and technology which they have to a degree too.

He and Ceci have a good relationship, as he helps her out with things sometimes and is kind of a mentor/adult figure in her life. They did team up to defeat Pariah Dark when he escaped, though they defeated him with trickery instead of a head-on attack. He (understandably) holds a grudge against the Masters family but has a soft spot for their kids, especially Ceci.

Spirit and Inferno are relatively well known amongst ghosts because of their hybrid status, but also because they were the ones to lock Pariah Dark back up after he escaped from his tomb. Despite both prefering to avoid direct conflict, with the help of Ceci's illusions and Jack's inventions, they managed to trick the fallen Ghost King into sealing himself back up.



Ceci Spirit is the other halfa in their dimension. They look out for each other when it matters but aren't too close.


  • science, engineering, and technology
  • creating things
  • helping people
  • fudge


  • people who are rude for no reason
  • fighting/bloodshed
  • unintentionally hurting others
  • when an invention doesn't work or gets broken