


8 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info

Crimson Anthesis

Story set in the Kingdom of Rhodonthea, in which live human/rose hybrids; they're a very survival-driven race, always in competition with others and aiming to perfectionate their race more and more. This is why the Rhodontheans discriminate their very same people with "defective" traits, known as the Weeds. Weeds are alienated from society, they are not allowed to have relationships with "normal" ones or, worst of all, to have children to avoid spreading their "bad genes" in the race. Weeds' discrimination has always been bad, but as in the last 100 years the situation got worse, and the Royal Crimson Army has made its new goal to exterminate them completely. Eglantine, a rich and noble Lady who happens to be a Weed, decided to use her economical means to provide assistance to other Weeds and to build a Rebellion to change the situation. And thus the story begins... (("Anthesis": botanical term referring to a period of change in flowers (usually associated with maturation), comes from Greek and means "blooming". ))

Body type

Please please PLEASE, try to be as accurate to her body type as possible! She's barely 120cm tall and looks like a pre-teen with tons of make-up on (think of Esther in the movie "Orphan" during the last scenes), but she tries to look as adult as she can. Also super flat chest!


Name: Bourbon Francine de Bossuet
Aliases: General Bourbon, Boss, Boss Mignon (<-tell her this, and you're dead), the crazy OTP dwarf, My Little Tyrant (<-pun on her liking for MLP; you're dead with this too)
Gender: female
Age: supposedly around mid-thirties, but due to her rose being a dwarf species she looks like a preteen (rose age: 108)
Birthday: August 7th (Leo)

Rose breed: Bossuet Bourbon (dwarf, deep red, ???)
Vital Rose: neck
Rare traits: heterochromia

Relationship status: 
forever alone (and not looking)

Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Weapon/s: rapier/fencing sword, but she masters any type of weapon
Occupation: Supreme General Aphrodite of the Royal Army (she also used to be the Princess' babysitter, but please don't remember her about it)
Hobby/ies: writing fanfictions, shipping in OTPs people she knows IRL, collecting Victorian dolls ( especially dollhouses) and ponies, taking care of her hair

Likes: unicorns, being adored, teasing people, her Generals, make-up, tea parties, terrorizing others (especially new recruits), stalking, long hair, having fun, writing, buttons, kodona style, anime
Dislikes: her body, being looked down, Eglantine, failures, children, sweets, too serious people

[Strength: 5/5]
[Agility: 4/5]
[Intelligence: 5/5]
[Willpower: 5/5]
[Resistance: 4/5]

---[+ Loyal/Respectful]
Loyalty comes first of all to her. She follows rules pretty strictly, respects the Royalty, and is especially faithful to her friends, she'd NEVER betray them. When she makes a promise, you know she's gonna keep it; she's a woman of honour, and she always respects others, even enemies.

---[+ Friendly]
---[+ Open-minded]

---[/ Chatty]
---[/ Competitive]
---[/ Unpredictable]

---[- Proud]
---[- Vengeful]
---[- Mischievous]

- Everyone thinks she'll die early not only because her rose is a dwarf species/has few petals, but mainly because of her lifestyle; she drinks a lot of wine (Rhodontheans can't take much alcohol, they immediately get drunk and if they take too much die, for some reason Bourbon doesn't even get drunk) and puts on lots of make-up to not look like a child (make-up is almost toxic for Rhodontheans, if they use it, it must be natural, like made out of fruits, etc.)
- Watches lots of anime, tends to be a bit nerdy towards it. Even the full name of her war horse, Oscar François Napoleon de Jarjayis-Bossuet (WTF), is based off one of her favorite anime characters, Lady Oscar (her horse is a male tho).
- Tends to ship a LOT people she knows in real life. She even goes as far as to fangirl over her "OTPs" and lives out her shipping fantasies through playing with her dolls (custom made to be like the people in question) or through writing fanfictions (and yes, she does public them online xD)...which can be VERY awkward to others. Her current favorite OTP is Rezon x Primrose.
- Watches a lot of tv novelas too, and because of "Beautiful" she has the habit of always calling Rezon William "Liam".
- She tends to be pretty stalker-ish, whatever happens she ALWAYS gets to know it, no matter what. People say she probably has secret doors/tunnels in the army's HQ or something.
- Likes filming the battles she's in, thanks to the camera incorporated in Oscar's armor.
- Has a mild French accent, and often throws in french words when she talks. She's very proud of her heritage.
- TBA </3

Theme Song/s:
TBA </3