


9 years, 3 months ago


"Time won't erase my connection to you."

【 Name 】 Eglantine Woodward
【 Called 】 Lady Eglantine/Milady, Miss Prettyface Weed (non-Weeds), mommy (kids she takes care of)
【 Age 】 24 (rose age: 82)
【 D.o.B. 】 October 3rd (Libra)
【 Gender 】 female
【 Sexuality 】 heterosexual
【 Rose Breed 】 Eglantine/Sweet Briar (large, cupped, scented leaves, quite fragrant, medicinal properties)
【 Main Rose 】 right eye, right shoulder continuing on sternum
【 Rose Traits 】 Aphrodite's Blessing (multiple roses, elite trait), main rose from vital body part (weed trait), bouquet
【 Occupation 】 rich heiress (Lady), Leader of the Rebellion; later on Regent of the new Principality/the Cold Frame
【 Alignment 】 chaotic good
【 Theme 】 link a song
【 Likes 】
  • children
  • affection
  • natural remedies
  • music boxes
【 Dislikes 】
  • being alone
  • dogs
  • sticky sweets
  • looking messy
【 Charisma 】
【 Strength 】
【 Agility 】
【 Resistance 】
【 Willpower 】
【 Integrity 】
【 Intelligence 】
【 Humor 】

Born in a noble family, Eglantine was shun from society as soon as her birth, due to her being a Weed.
Her family moved to a villa in the countryside, trying to protect their daughter from the law against Weed which was in full force, but they were eventually found out when Eglantine was 12.
The young girl miraculously manage the survive the massacre, helped by Circe, and lived with the so-called witch until adulthood. Circe didn't teach her her "magic", as she said Eglantine wasn't adept to it, but still taught her about the medical properties of many plants, and how to navigate the Thorn Pit, a forest so thick with vines and thorns no Rhodontean dared to venture into.
Eglantine was then able to use her family's fortune to start building an enormous villa (which with years will begin to look more like a small village) hidden in the Thorn Pit, and started taking in Weeds who managed to escape the law and were in need. She eventually even managed to have friendly connections with the neighbouring Angelilium country, getting support from them, so that she could slowly start building her own "army" to rebel against the government for Weeds' rights.





friends/unrequited love



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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris.

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