Timber Blake



6 years, 11 months ago


I followed the stars and they lead me to you

Timber Blake

Name: Timber Blake
Nicknames: Tim, Timbers, T.B
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Age: 17yrs
DoB: 29th October
Race: Wolf (Subspecies: Timber)
Origin: Unknown
Height: TBD
Build: TBD
Personality: Hot headed, snappy, grumpy
Likes: Sweets, biscuits and cakes, watching fish, looking at the sky
Dislikes: Humans, being teased, being called a dog or mutt

About Timber:

Timber is a hot headed timber wolf who had been travelling from a young age in search of something until he runs into Kyra and friends and eventually gains his human form. He doesn't have the best temper towards humans for a reason he doesn't talk about but deep down he also has a soft spot for them. Timber often jumps into things without thinking it through first and of course often lands himself into trouble because of his fiery nature. He can also be snappy and tends to have a bit of a tamtrum if he disagrees with something, it is believed this is due to his past and being on his own for so long in the wild. Being a wild wolf who didn't grow up around humans, he often gets confused, especially when it comes to human emotions and behaviour, which makes him come off as a bit unsensitive and cold. Regardless of his many flaws, Timber is also very loyal and protective of his friends and family and would gladly put his life in danger to ensure their safety. He is also a quick learner and picks up on things pretty fast. (more to be added soon)




  • Timber was born a wild wolf and other characters often refer to him as such.
  • Because he used to be a wild wolf, when he comes into contect with other wild wolves they often say that he has been tamed because he is around humans.
  • Daichi and Timber are often going at eachother, throwing various insults relating to their species. E.g. Daichi often calls Timber "stupid mutt" or "scruffy fleabag" and Timber in return calls him "dumb human" and "stupid delinquent" among other things.
  • Insert another random fact here~



!HEAVY SPOILER WARNING - Please read the LunarTrans manga before reading backstories of characters!

Timber grew up in the wild with a small pack of wild wolves. His mother and father were the alphas of the pack and were the ones to keep everything in order and keep watch over the other pack members. The two had two offspring, Timber and his older sister, Midnight. Soon after Timber was born Midnight met and brought back a male wolf called Daemon who eventually joined the pack. Timber was very close to Daemon and Daemon would often teach him how to fight, run and hunt amoung other things though his parents disliked him hanging around with Daemon. When Timber was 10years old, Timber's parents asked him to go hunt while they argued with his sister and Daemon about their unhealthy obssession with the humans, after they came home in their human forms, fearing that they would be tracked back to the pack if the humans found them out. As Timber was hunting rabbits he heard yelps coming from his home followed by sudden silence. As he returned he was met with a guesome sight. Every last pack member, including his parents, layed dead on the ground surrounded by their own blood with Midnight and Daemon no where to be seen. Timber would then spend the next years of his life travelling across the country to locate his missing pack members, believing it was humans that killed the rest of them.




[ Partner/crush ] Kyra and Timber met not too long after she moved into town. After a certain event, Kyra and Timber's fates were entertwined completely and the two had to team up and join the Lunar guardians as partners. Overtime they became close friends. Read more about Kyra on her profile~



[ Older sister ] Midnight is Timber's older sister. Timber was close to her until she went missing when he was 10 years old. Read more about Midnight on her profile~



[ Ex packmate ] Daemon was a wolf that Timber's sister brought back one day and eventually became a part of his pack. Timber was very close to Daemon as he grew up until he went missing when Timber was 10 years old. Daemon's profile coming soon~



[ Rival/teammate ] Timber met Daichi soon after he met Kyra when they were attacked by him after he mistakes them for bad guys. The two become allies but their friendship quickly turns into a rivalry and eventually leads to jealously between the two. Read more abou Daichi on his profile~
