


3 years, 21 days ago


name: Tazmarine (Taz for short.)

Pronouns: they/He

Species: marineo (shapeshifter)

Age: never dies, like a lobster. mentally is like a exhausted and defensive scared animal

Personality: in the physical world, they are reluctant to trust people and is traumatized from years of being tested upon and used as a product to manufacture. In their mind world they are naive, trusting, and happy go lucky. 


- capable of flight, but is physically kept weak and contained. They don’t fly much, even in their dream world.

- has something called the dream world (not related to DID or other things) that they go to when asleep. It’s the escape they have from their miserable life in the real world. It can only be accessible during sleep so Tazmarine sleeps in a comatose state most of the day. They can be ripped from the mind world by dying in the mind world or by being forced awake via physical pain.

- tentacle tail can move and hold things. Tail never goes away or changes when shape shifting.

- wings are NOT optional in default form. Wings ARE optional in alter forms (example: shape shifts into a snake)

- scar is not optional.

- inspired by: Yume Nikki + Yume 2kki, Omori, The Thing, ponyo, Coraline, Cosmo sheldrake, Jack Stauber’s music and Opal

Tazmarine clone reference sheet! (Use this if you want to draw your ocs owning a pet taz clone)